Houdini Crowd - packed prims - motion blur

Forums: Houdini Crowd - packed prims - motion blur
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Houdini Crowd - packed prims - motion blur

Postby snakeboxmedia » Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:50 am

snakeboxmedia Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:50 am
How do you, is it even possible?, set up correct motion blur in Octane when using the crowd system in houdini?

I have a problem where octane won't render / read the "v" of the crowd packed primitives, even if I go in and manually calculate the v.

unpacking crowd - calculating velocity - repacking with v per instance

I don't know if its a packed prim problem or a crowd problem, or both.

This is 1 bird, as a crowd Agent, so its a packed prim, by itself it renders perfectly fine using deform-mblur in octane settings
single bird agent - octane

This all turns to shit once it has gone through the crowd solver etc, even with the added v above. I am also exposing the v in the obj parameters at sop level
Octane with motion blur on full crowd

Comparison Vray for Houdini reads the velocity better, which can be seen on the wing tips etc. (it has its own issues, but not related to motion blur).
Vray with motion blur on full crowd

Anyway is there a solution to this?


EDIT: So I sort of fixed this simply by unpacking them... it actually works quite well, but of course it would damn handy if we could get packed primitives mblur support too?
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Re: Houdini Crowd - packed prims - motion blur

Postby juanjgon » Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:00 pm

juanjgon Sun Aug 11, 2019 4:00 pm

Probably the problem is that the packed agents' velocity attribute is overridden by the velocity attribute of the points and not added. I'll check it, but in any case, unpacking the packed agents is fine for Octane because I'm afraid that this is what the plugin is doing internally at the scene extraction time. The instancing of the packed agents is not supported currently.

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