Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby rune0077 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:27 pm

rune0077 Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:27 pm
Pay for it? Surely you joke. Given the slow development of Octane, now long since surpassed by better renderers, you should have given this away for free, maybe considered it a gift for the two or three customers who stuck with you. Me, nah, I'm not spending another dime on your sub-par software.
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby rob72inmo » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:27 pm

rob72inmo Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:27 pm
I have the 3ds max plugin i didnt use a any demo im very satisfied with the product i dont even use the standalone anymore at all best renderer ive ever used. before the plugin came out i had slowed down using the standalone because of the slow exporting now it just takes seconds to load a scene. :D
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby mbetke » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:29 pm

mbetke Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:29 pm
What's wrong with you guys and demos? Don't you have the skills required to make them? You are obviously concerned that with a demo people will find this useless, so instead you force people to buy it, and for such a price users won't have the nerve to complain. A set of 'detailed' videos doesn't cut it. SMH

What's wrong with you guys demanding a demo all the tim? Don't you have the lumpy 99€ for such a great tool even if you find some issues because it is beta? One very small render job and you would have the money back.

Okay fun aside: I simply think it has something to do with piracy and people which found issues - because its beta - don't come back. If you buy you will keep an eye on the development because you invested money and give it a try from time to time.
If you have a demo then you will test it, maybe find issues, delete and forget it. It better to have it this way. If you bought Maya then 99 is just a piece of cake.
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby EdgeSuizo » Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:50 pm

EdgeSuizo Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:50 pm
mbetke wrote:
What's wrong with you guys and demos? Don't you have the skills required to make them? You are obviously concerned that with a demo people will find this useless, so instead you force people to buy it, and for such a price users won't have the nerve to complain. A set of 'detailed' videos doesn't cut it. SMH

What's wrong with you guys demanding a demo all the tim? Don't you have the lumpy 99€ for such a great tool even if you find some issues because it is beta? One very small render job and you would have the money back.

Okay fun aside: I simply think it has something to do with piracy and people which found issues - because its beta - don't come back. If you buy you will keep an eye on the development because you invested money and give it a try from time to time.
If you have a demo then you will test it, maybe find issues, delete and forget it. It better to have it this way. If you bought Maya then 99 is just a piece of cake.

Not all the people can buy maya, the office i work lend me a license for maya. just a trial version or something like that to test de plugin, if its works for you, buy it, if not, then use only the standalone version.
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby RickToxik » Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:53 pm

RickToxik Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:53 pm
I don't understand why people complain so much so early... I would have loved to have insights at rendering with Arnold in maya, now it's possible to do it with Octane.

I do have some questions though, yes a video demo would clear so much questions about the workflow and compatibility. Do the Octane nodes work with the maya nodes? I believe not, but does it work with the place2D node?

I'm on maya 2010 too, I would have have bought it already lol.
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby JimStar » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:07 pm

JimStar Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:07 pm
RickToxik wrote:Do the Octane nodes work with the maya nodes?

Octane does not conforms to Maya's "Node graph" ideologhy fully, as it calculates all textures-materials "on its own", in its own VRAM, not "down the nodegraph using CPU" inside Maya.
So, Octane has its own Nodes, and they work only with Octane nodes. Only connections from Octane nodes to Maya's - are the connections from "outColor" attributes of Octane materials to Shading Groups (to just accomplish some standard Maya's behaviours wich are not bound to rendering process directly).

RickToxik wrote:I do have some questions though, yes a video demo would clear so much questions about the workflow and compatibility.

I already recorded some video on my ugly scene.:) But can't find the place to upload 775MB video without reconverting... Searching...
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby Refracty » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:15 pm

Refracty Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:15 pm
Proupin wrote:What's wrong with you guys and demos? Don't you have the skills required to make them? You are obviously concerned that with a demo people will find this useless, so instead you force people to buy it, and for such a price users won't have the nerve to complain. A set of 'detailed' videos doesn't cut it. SMH

I am sure demos for the plugin will follow in the upcomming months...
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Must be kidding me

Postby jzen » Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:59 pm

jzen Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:59 pm
This realy bothers me... if the intergrated version works better/ smoother then the standalone... please convert my standalone license into a maya intergrated one... why the hell would i want a standalone if there is an option without the bugs and errors when trying to export/ render an animation in octane.

ok.. so I bought my standalone license when it only cost 50 dollars. (1,5 2 years ago.. can't remember). nice...anyway... low expectations because of the price.. and yeah since i do animation and stuff (as a freelancer) and yeah also use maya.... I was hopeing octane would develop into something usefull..

I never knew that i could just wait 1,5 years and not mis a thing. spend around the same amount of money and having it work much easier...? hopefully..but...does it work better and/ or easier.????

So far only used it twice on project. Mostly because the parameters the numbers don't make sence... and you can not trust rendering with octane when dealing with deadlines. weard... suppose to speed up things.. but i find myself trying to avoid bugs and... checking al the time if shit still works!!! (not very productive).

I am not going to get a new license for yet ANOTHER BETA... sounds to stupid for me sorry.. rather spend a bit more on something i can trust. furyball...? how are they doing..? (was realy hoping octane would make it... at least one version that worked for me).

I am kind of losing hope for octane... specialy since i don't just get the option to just intergrate my octane.. but have to buy a new license... just pisses me of. doens't feel like my patience is being rewarded. next e-mail i guess will be about octane 2 beta... and that octane won't be finished but i can probably buy a license right? Wat was that multi gpu render thing called know... external gpu render thing? is octane goint to be like that thing...? (hope not.. but.. hmmm... yeah)...

good luck !
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby abreukers » Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:25 pm

abreukers Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:25 pm
The Maya plugin is a like an add-on to the standalone edition as it will not work without the standalone edition. The standalone edition works, alongside export scripts and plugins designed around it. The new Maya plugin is a distinct product from the standalone edition with its own license scheme, and people are still free to create their own export scripts. The fact is, even if any software goes final, there will still be updates to whatever your version is. Yet what's good is that you can count on whoever created them to be there to make these updates even better with each release.
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Re: NEW: Launching of OctaneRender™ for Maya®

Postby kavorka » Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:21 pm

kavorka Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:21 pm
Dont know why people are complaining. You are using a version of the software way before other companies would let you. So, if Octane came out one year from now and worked as you expect, you would be happier than also using a less feature rich version NOW? Blows my mind.

Im not a Maya user (anymore anyway, the small company I work for uses Blender) but I think it's awsome to have it integrated into Maya now, a lot more people will start looking at it, and more people using it means everyone will get rewarded with more features ect as Refractive will have more $ and maybe expand more.

I would be more than willing to spend the same amount of money for an integrated Blender plugin, even if it were incomplete, so anyone complaining about the price is doing just that, complaining.

If you use Maya, and use Octane, this is a no brainer. Even if it were completely limited right now, I would still buy it because I know it will get more features later. And if I would buy it then, I might as well buy it now and hit the ground running. You're not buying a less feature rich version, you are just getting access to a less feature rich version before getting access to the complete version.
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