It's our pleasure to welcome Andrey Kozlov, from Moscow, Russia to the Refractive Software team.
Andrey will start as a software developer with Refractive Software, working on OctaneRender, at the end of next week, on Monday 1 August 2011.
Andrey is 29 years old, graduated from the Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute,
and previously was employed as a software developer with iCube R&D Group,
where he developed Autodesk 3DS Max plugins such as MadCar, MultiScatter, CityTraffic.
His hobbies include inline speed skating.
Andrey joins the development team at the Auckland Offices, in New Zealand.
His forum username is 'Karba'.
Let's all give him a big welcome and wish him a good start,
The OctaneRender Team.