Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

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Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby sheralondunn » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:33 pm

sheralondunn Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:33 pm
Good Morning,

I am after some much needed help. We have been using Octane for UE4 to export an Orbx scene, which we upload to the RNDR service to render. With this particular project, we are getting a very strange issue where the majority of materials are showing very incorrectly, mostly block colours seemingly chosen at random. The below four images show the problem, showing an image of the scene in UE4 and the correlating render from RNDR.

Note* both renders from RNDR are the same project, but different orbx files.

Below are the steps we’ve taken to produce the renders:


1. Export scene as ORBX from UE4 (12.9gb) with all levels visible:
2. Import scene to Octane Standalone (tried both version 2020.1.4 and 2020.1.5)
3. Create two glass materials from the Octane library and connect them to geometry as shown below:
4. Select all rectangular lights and disable ‘visible on specular’:
5. Connect render target to geometry group and configure as shown: and (this image is hard to show)
6. Save and upload scene to RNDR network
7. Create job (tried multiple formats)
For reference, below is a reflection pass for one of the jobs:

Below are the troubleshooting steps we’ve taken:
1. Exporting only a few levels from UE4 at a time (always with the building and the lighting setup) to identify if a particular level is causing the problem. Rendered with Render Targets configured for our project and with default Render Target setup. Every export rendered without issue both in Octane Standalone and on RNDR.
2. Disabling all crypto passes on the Render Target with the full scene. Same issue.
3. Changing glass materials to a few different configurations on the full project: coloured glass, acrylic, mixed coloured plastic and mirror. Same result.
4. Exporting some geometry and their materials to a blank UE4 project, exporting to ORBX, uploading to RNDR. No issues.
5. Exporting the project to a blank UE4 project so only the assets in the level came over, doing the same steps as mentioned in ‘Process’. Same issue.

Potentially helpful information:
1. Some assets in the scene are not experiencing the issue, see below image for markup:
b. All of the materials we use in UE4 are instances of a few master materials we’ve made. The main difference between the objects that have the issue and those that don’t seem to be their normal and roughness textures. Those that don’t have the issue are using the default normal and default roughness map (see below)
2. As a control, we uploaded the ORBX file that came straight from the engine without any changes in Octane Standalone except for creating three Render Targets, each configured differently. Two are still rendering, but the below image show a default Render Target, which interestingly does not have the issue.
3. The full scene is too large to render in standalone on any of our machines (so can only test on RNDR)
4. The below response from the RNDR team, stating that the reason it is failing on multiple different nodes is because they are running out of Vram, but they don’t know what the materials are having the issue we are experiencing.
This is a very big problem for us, this project is for a client and it’s a really big opportunity for us. We’ve already spent over a week trying to fix this so we’re already late on delivery, if anyone can help us out we would be extremely grateful!

Thank you!
Shez Dunn
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Re: Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby ChrisHekman » Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:28 pm

ChrisHekman Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:28 pm
This is an odd issue.

Just to make a couple of things clear. This issue only exists in RNDR?
Both octane in unreal and standalone render the scenes correctly?
And it only happens when rendering the full scene? Any of the broken meshes/material work in when they are rendered in isolation?

One thing you can try is to export to ORBX via the unreal sequencer. This uses a different export method where it uses fbx or alembic as the underlying data format.
- Go to "cinematics" in the main toolbar and press "Add Level Sequence"
- The new level sequence should be auto-selected. In the details panel press "Open Level Sequence"
- In the new window that popped up (the sequencer editor), select the 5th button from the top left that looks like a movie clapperboard/slateboard.
- The "Render Movie Settings" window should be open now. In "Image Output Format" select "Octane Export (ORBX)".
Also in the render movie settings window you can change the output directory and the filename format.

PS: One note, you can change the camera on the rendertarget to panoramic in unreal. That way you dont have to create a new rendertarget in standalone each time.
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Re: Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby sheralondunn » Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:45 pm

sheralondunn Tue Nov 10, 2020 11:45 pm
Hi Chris,

Thanks for your reply. Sadly haven't been able to test it on the machines without going to the cloud (RNDR Service) as the cards are not high enough to render (I am waiting patiently for my 3090 to arrive). I know I haven't had much luck exporting from Sequencer before but I will give it another shot as you advised in your reply. In the mean time we've also done even further testing and have possibly narrowed it down to the emissive materials. What we have discovered is Octane Standalone appears to convert the emissive materials into a blackbody which I know from past experience with a different renderer will act as a light. So what's happening is it's taking the BP lights I have coded as well as the emissive on the bulb and you could say duplicating the light. So we're going to test where swap out the light for just a static mesh and see what results we get.

Thanks Chris!

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Re: Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby EvolverInteractive » Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:49 am

EvolverInteractive Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:49 am
You really need to break your scene down. Rendering a 12.9gb ORBX would needs tons of out of core rendering. If you attempting to render this scene.

1. Emissive multiply doesn't work well from Blueprint. Keep it simple.
2. Use out of Core and turn it up all the way. 64gb of ram or more
3. No not use denoising. If you are on the edge of rendering memory budget or over. Turn off Denoising and you can throw the frames in Blender and use the intel denoiser that is made for CG generated images.

4. Hide anything you are not seeing in the render.
5. You can migrate you project and I can see if I can render it.

Your scene is simple I don't know why it is taking up so much memory.
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Re: Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby sheralondunn » Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:46 am

sheralondunn Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:46 am
Hey EvolverInteractive,

Funnily you said that about breaking up the scene as that crossed my mind especially coming from traditional rendering in the past by breaking down the scene. We have found out about emissive materials now, still very new to Octane, and found it uses the blackbody so yes it's duplicating the lights hence some of the issue. I will find out if the person who's sending the final scene to RNDR is switching off denoiser as that's what the compositors can do, clean it up :) Unfortunately I cannot share this scene as it is for a client and hasn't yet been delivered.

Thanks Heaps!

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Re: Desperate Help required - Renderings not rendering correctly

Postby EvolverInteractive » Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:00 pm

EvolverInteractive Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:00 pm
Well you can hit me up for "consultation" through private means. I have a 3090 and about 2000 hours of Unreal and Octane under my belt. Christopher at evolver interactive dot com
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