Batch rendering possible?

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Batch rendering possible?

Postby mattrumba » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:04 pm

mattrumba Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:04 pm
I noticed the post regarding command line options for running the standalone renderer. In our work we specifically need to render out hundreds of images of relatively simple scenes (single simple mesh, HDR environment light) where the simple mesh changes from image to image as well as having one of a set of around 20 material properties applied to it.
If we purchase the license, can the command line interface cope with our requirements? I'm assuming we would set up a scene for each material property, holding all the camera and environment settings (the environment and camera don't change) and then use the command line to replace a mesh node with the unique mesh from a pre-generated OBJ file.
If you can let me know if this is feasible, we can decide whether to buy the license. If, however, it is not currently possible, could I ask what time frame the next version is expected that would allow us this amount of control over batch rendering?
Many thanks,

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Re: Batch rendering possible?

Postby glimpse » Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:41 pm

glimpse Fri Jul 27, 2012 12:41 pm

If You need to have the same scene setup (lights, cameras, mat, etc) You can write a code command line to open .ocs file, take .obj and render it acording to the render target setings or Your own if You choose and then save out the result =) so Yes, You can do what You want though is it that flexible so it fit all Your need - noOne knows. i would advise to test it on Your own.

Usually I make .bat file & write down code for multiple render targets to render and out put originals to one dir and previews to other (cloud), so I could check the progress from anywhere and have piece of mind when I leave a rig working.
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Re: Batch rendering possible?

Postby mattrumba » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:27 pm

mattrumba Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:27 pm
Thanks so much for that quick reply. Sounds encouraging! As long as the number of different materials I want to use remains relatively small (as I will have to edit each scene manually for those) then it seems like it will work for me.

Also thanks for your comments on how you set up your network render, it may come in useful too!
Have a great day,

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Re: Batch rendering possible?

Postby glimpse » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:35 pm

glimpse Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:35 pm
I would multiply the file and setup these for diff materials each. Then simply write bach to render Your .obj through dif .ocs files (as far as I know theres no posibilities tweek mats through command line, just import objects, lights, cameras, etc. maybe with new versions, or I might missed something)

Overall I believe it's doable, but You should check that on Your own in order to know whether You could integrate this tool into Your workflow/pipeline.

Happy testin'
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