Don't know how the engine is treating meshes automatically, but in the past i could move my lights and have fast feedback, now it stutters as i move my objects(with live geo on). this is bad.
This shouldn't have changed. Do you have Use Modo Render Cache ON or OFF in the Octane Preferences?
Why is preview treated like 30%(or anything) or final render size? i see only downsides.follow me.
This is detailed in the manual at In summary - it is a percent set in the Octane Preferences.
Is there a specific reason for preview mode to change?
Yes - because you have have more than one Octane viewport open at once, the plugin does not know which viewport to use as the resolution size. The new fit-to-preview window auto-zooming should more than compensate for this.
Will the "zoom-to-mouse-pointer" be available in the next release?
It was released a week or two