OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08 [OBSOLETE]

Forums: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08 [OBSOLETE]
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OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08 [OBSOLETE]

Postby neonZorglub » Mon May 07, 2018 9:57 pm

neonZorglub Mon May 07, 2018 9:57 pm
Plugin's version string consists of two parts - version of Octane core integrated into this version of plugin, and the version of the plugin itself.
Format: v<Octane engine version> - <plugin version>

3ds Max version supported: 2013 to 2019

Changes of the 5.08 version, from 5.07

  • Fixed PhoenixFD missing particle Object layer, to control Catch Shadow, etc..
  • Added Phoenix particle informations in Octane WSM modifier
  • Fixed DB import of RGB image import
  • Fixed DB import of Transform Value
  • Fixed orbx export of animated scene with motion blur disabled
  • Fixed orbx export with no animation and motion blur enabled

A quick guide to 3.08 features in 3dsMax is available there, with some basic samples:

Previous versions changelog (since major 4.0 plugin release):
Code: Select all

Changes of the 5.07 version
- Fixed PhoenixFD detection occasionally missing, that could make particles not being rendered.
- Added information and channel choice in PhoenixFD volume modifier
- Fixed compatibility issues with PhoenixFD 3.04 / 3.10
- Fixed issue with render element filename
- Fixed issue with extra log output

Changes of the 5.06 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.08
- Fixed Volume emission

Changes of the 5.05 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.08 RC4
- Fixed orbx export issue
- Fixed asset path change from Asset Tracking dialog for Octane Proxy files
- Added asset management for Octane volume files
- Fixed scene rebuild issue with camera locked

Changes of the 5.04 version
- Added support for 3ds Max 2019
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.08 RC3
- Fixed crashes in Slate Material editor
- Fixed default color of OSL shader input not set properly
- Fixed shader editor unavailable after render scene from viewport
- Fixed previous shader parameters still visible when changed to another shader with compile errors
- Fixed issue with material preview
- Added some assets to 3dsmax Asset manager (cube files, some bitmaps and osl shaders)
- Updated Orbx export to display current exported frame and allow to cancel export.

Changes of the 5.03 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.08 RC2
- Fixed OSL input types string and combo box integer
- Minor improvements of material UI
- Updated PhoenixFD Sdk to 3.10 (not using new features yet)

Changes of the 5.02 version
- Fixed bugs in RGB image UI (projection / transform map buttons)
- Fixed support of edition / UI interaction for OSL projection shader
- Fixed toon light on/off flag
- Added missing support of displacement textures for LiveDB import

Changes of the 5.01 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.08 RC1
- Added OSL Texture
- Added OSL Camera and Baking camera
- Added OSL Projection
- Added Toon Material and Toon lights
- Added Metallic Material
- Added Custom LUT support
- Added new render pass from 3.08
- Added new camera response curves from 3.08
- Fixed object properties dialog issues
- Added missing flags from texture emissions to octane light (double sided, visible on diffuse, etc..)
- Added auto/16/32 bit option for HDR texture
- Fixed camera animation export
- Fixed imager animation export
- Fixed orbx export name display not updated
- Added support for PhoenixFD 3.05
- Fixed crash when converting multi materials that are set as visible in viewport.
- Added warning dialog on GPU failure
- Fixed issue with old V1 conversion
- Fixed crash when converting multi materials that are set as visible in viewport.
- Added 'Quick mode' for viewport, keeping sample per pixel low (eg 1) while user moves objects. (see User settings/Viewport)
- Added tooltips for most Octane objects and materials

Changes of the 4.44 version
- Fixed issue with User Instance IDs not being updated
- Improved object selection from Object properties list to max scene ('to Max' button)
- Made object properties dialog non blocking

Changes of the 4.43 version
- Fixed Movable Proxy issues
- Added missing Shadow pass in Render Element list
- Added tools in Object properties to set User Instance IDs automatically
- Added tools in Object properties to check and set objects as instances, for optimal usage of scatter nodes
- Added support for 3d transform for texture uv, from DB import.

Changes of the 4.42 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.07
- Added Instance Color Texture
- Added Instance Range Texture
- Added UVW Texture
- Added Baking Texture
- Added Object Layer Helper, to edit baking texture layers, using layer ID
- Added option 'Double-Sided' to Emission Texture
- Added option 'Visible On Specular' to Emission Texture
- Added option "Transparent emission" to Emission Texture
- Renamed 'Cast Illumination' to Visible On Diffuse option in Emission Texture
- Added support for user defined instance IDs in all geometry nodes, except the volume node
- Added User instance IDs in scatter nodes
- Added menu in Octane properties to set User Instance IDs automatically
- Fixed viewport resolution not updated when using Production resolution and aspect ratio locked. Use option "Read Production resolution from dialog" in Trouble shooting settings.
- Added node names from max objects for Octane Node editor / orbx exporter
- Improved usage and performance of scatter node

Changes of the 4.41 version
- Fixed material preview not updated in Material editor, when changing image file.
- Fixed Pflow evaluation to use Render / Viewport particle percent settings
- Better fix of warning of incorrect output buffer size
- Added troubleshooting option to improve performance while not rendering ('Discard Changes while no Viewport')

Changes of the 4.40 version
- Improved performance of scene collection
- Fixed crash when Octane Proxy file not found.
- Improved handling of Octane Proxy files
- Fixed Proxy scale bug
- Fixed crash on Proxy export
- Fixed support for animated background in viewport
- Fixed issues with W's for Ornatrix Hair
- Added options to fix render perpetual restart for some cases with Ornatrix ('Ignore changes' in TroubleShooting )
- Fixed issues with PFlow, when using an alembic Object as particle (restarting render, invisible objects)
- Fixed unnecessary reload and restart render of static VDB Volume when changing timeline [cf option TroubleShooting / 'Skip invalidating empty Octane Volume channel']
- Fixed material DB import issues
- Fixed warning of incorrect output buffer size happening in some cases.
- Added a Refresh Live DB option, to reload local DB
- Added support of some node types on import (UVW, linear, cylindrical, perspective projections)
- Added visual input nodes for gradient texture in Slate editor
- Added 'Octane Node Viewer' button in viewport window
- Added Orbx export options to use preset or edited path and filename

Changes of the 4.39 version
- Added support of Octane textures in Gradient texture node
- Added PFlow particle scatter support option.
- Added PFlow velocity scale setting
- Added support of PFlow build in shapes
- Added support of PFlow motion Blur with scatter
- Fixed Forest Pack and MultiScatter viewport update issue
- Fixed crashes that can occur when sending notifications (eg with 3dsMax's Hair and Fur)
- Fixed crash with batch render with render elements, when output paths are invalid.
- Fixed issue with dummy normals option
- Fixed missing orientation control for IES Light.
- Fixed missing viewport update when changing visibility of a modifier
- Fixed Phoenix particle velocity orientation.
- Fixed crash when rendering with non Octane Render Element
- Updated User settings UI

Changes of the 4.38 version
- Fixed unnecessary viewport constant image update
- Fixed issue with motion blur when re opening viewport

Changes of the 4.37 version
- Fixed viewport render continuously restarting (seemed 'locked' at 1 sample)
- Fixed loss of motion blur with Phoenix FD liquids in viewport when moving timeline
- Fixed Phoenix FD particle rendering with multiple simulators
- Fixed crash with PFlow, when particle count decrease between 2 frames
- Improved viewport updates.
- Added 'Rebuild scene' button in viewport for unsupported changes (same as closing and re-opening viewport)
- Added Tooltip information in Octane object property dialog.
- Added option to skip Normal calculations (improve performance when working on big meshes, draft mode) : Global preferences / Trouble shooting tab.
- Added option to select additional broadcast notifications on frame change and scene pre evaluation (Global preferences / Trouble shooting tab).

Changes of the 4.36 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.06.4

Changes of the 4.35 version
- Fixed Octane Volume with VDB files, broken from 4.33
- Added export of animated material parameters (can be disabled in Global Settings)
- Fixed issues with viewport render locked at some sample/pix (eg, using adaptive sample). (Can be reverted to previous behavior using Global settings / Trouble Shooting / Enable Repeated Viewport Update)
- Renamed incorrect kernel parameter 'glossy depth' as 'Specular depth' for Path Tracing and PMC
- Added infinite plate support (octane properties, set 'Special object type' as "Inf. plane' on a selected object. That will render a plane instead of object mesh, using its material and position)

Changes of the 4.34 version
- Added support for 3dsMax 2018
- Added falloff skew default converted value in user settings ('MtlConversion_DefaultFallOffSkew')
- Updated Vray material conversion, when use refraction : can now create a mix material (see setting 'VRayConversion_Diffuse_Specular_MixAmount' )
- Added new exposed functions via maxscript and c++ (mainly for Octane Viewport control; doc and samples coming soon)

Changes of the 4.33 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.06
- Added Phoenix 3 support for particles (liquid, foam, splashes, mist, wetmap)
- Added option to create temporary camera for octane export

Changes of the 4.32 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.06 TEST 4
- Updated Phoenix FD 3 suppor: added support of Liquid and Fire/smoke simulators with new modifiers.
- Added load time fix of material normal set as value (to enable in Global preferences: 'Fix invalid material normal' )

Changes of the 4.31 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.06 TEST 3
- Added Adaptive sample support
- Added Texture types : AddTex, Subtract, Compare, Triplanar, Ridged Fractal
- Added Bokeh control to standard camera (thin lens camera) : Rotation, Roundness, Side count
- Added Triplanar UV projection.
- Added new render pass 'Noise' to inspect the current noise level. (when using adaptive sample)
- Fixed light type from VRay converter
- Added Reset octane Menu button in Tools tab
- Fixed conversion of Geyscale image map, AlphaImageTex, from version <= 1.91
- Added broadcast of frame rendering notifications (NOTIFY_PRE_RENDERFRAME, NOTIFY_POST_RENDERFRAME), activated by default, can be disabled in render settings
- Added Phoenix FD 3 support

Changes of the 4.30 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.05.3
- Fixed invisible camera when copied
- Fixed crash when using AO Render element
- Added Ambient Occlusion Texture for Direct light Kernel (color / value), replace environment color when used
- Removed deprecated GI light modes from the kernel settings combo ("Ambient", "Sample Environment")
- Fixed crash on drag and drop of environment texture to material editor
- Added User Global option to disable preview of environment texture in material editor
- Improved Vray converter
- Fixed camera settings that may be missing in orbx exporter
- Added Octane menu in max main menu

Changes of the 4.29 version
- Updated Octane Renderer to 3.05
- Fixed the Neutral Response save/load state checkbox in Camera Settings, when  using presets
- Fixed viewport when rendering a texture bigger than 4GB (64bit)
- Fixed amount value for mix texture and mix material, to be in range [0, 1]
- Improved performance of evaluation for octane viewport (see Tools/option misc "Enable limited material update during scene Evaluation" )
- Fixed crash in camera creation when camera is not created and user cancels it by switching to another object creation (eg. Lights)
- Fixed Constant Gradient preview in 3DSMax Gradient Material
- Fixed Material preview in 3DSMax viewports
- Added separate AO distance for info pass, independent from direct light kernel mode
- Fixed frame update from RealFlow meshes (added 'Broadcast mode' rendering option in kernel, set to None by default; try 'Normal' if this creates issues with other plugins)

Changes of the 4.26 version
- Fixed Gradient Map Interpolation type reset bug on loading
- Added a CheckBox to enable - disable stats inside the rendering viewport
- Improved performance and stability for material editor
- Fixed crash when adding a render element in the batch rendering process

Changes of the 4.25 version
- Fixed crash with z-depth and locked resolution (render buffer width issue)
- Added access to Octane Viewport Pause Rendering action. Now it can be mapped to any keyboard shortcut (Customize/Customize User interface/Keyboard/Group:Octane)

Changes of the 4.24 version
- Updated Octane Renderer from 3.03.4 to 3.04.3
- Replaced render layer 'visibility only' to visibility mode
- Fixed crash if "Volume step length" of volume texture is too small
- Added scene evaluation status display in Octane viewport title bar and option to disable it in Tools tab
- Added missing texture types ("Cosine mix texture","Sine wave texture", "Triangle wave", "Saw wave", "Clamp" ), "W coordinates"
- Added support for W control for Ornatrix Hair
Note on new features from 4.24:
-The newly supported textures works same as in standalone : add at least a UV scaling map to adjust the effect.
 Note that the render in max viewport do not match those settings yet..
 The option in the Tools tab "Enable 3dsMax Viewport UV Correction" might help.
-The newly supported W control for Hair also works same as in standalone, eg: adding a 'W Coordinates' texture as input to a 'Gradient Texture' used for hair material will let you control the variation along the length of hairs.
 This 'W Coordinates' has no parameters. You can use the option 'Use custom W for Hair' in Tools tab to use Ws generated by the hair plugin.

Changes of the 4.23 version
- Added menus to select valid VDB grid names for volume channel IDs
- Added options to change usage of empty VDB volume channel IDs (Tools tab)
- Added 'Explore folder' buttons in Tools/Troubleshooting
- Fixed dialog items scaling (eg, using 4K monitor and 150% scaling in Windows)
- Fixed new crash from 4.22 in material conversion
- Fixed max viewport wrong texture scale / tiling when using "Real world scale" on Bitmap UVs

Changes of the 4.22 version
- Fixed perspective correction
- Fixed crash on Render Elements / Add.. when Octane is not the renderer[*] Improved Octane Proxy Export dialog : display progress every frame, possible to cancel export, added time tweaking options
- Fixed crash on Save image from Octane Viewport
- Fixed texture environment material editor preview
- Fixed crash in non-octane material converter
- Added support of UV rotation and offset in non-octane material converter-- Mini guide to the new integrated material conversion system: --
- Fixed converted materials not showing in viewportPurpose: Load max scenes containing octane objects and materials created with octane plugin version 2.23.2 - 1.9 and earlier.
- Added buttons to convert non-octane materials only from slots or scene-Conversion system need to be activated first. 3dsMax need to be restarted for this activation / desactivation to take effect.
- Enabled Object color layer render pass-The 'Activate' check box let you select the activation status; a message 'Change will take effect on max restart' is shown as needed.
- Fixed occasional crash when using Render Elements-On the left of this check box, the current activation status is displayed.

Changes of the 4.21 version
- Fixed crash when exporting huge Octane Proxy files
- Improved Octane Proxy Export dialog : display progress every frame, possible to cancel export, added time tweaking options

Changes of the 4.20 version
- Fixed conversion of gradient texture
- Fixed conversion of main Camera Aperture, Focal depth, Dithering, Lens Shift, Min disp. samples
- Fixed proxy flag not recognized (now both 'octane_movable_proy' and 'octane_movable_proxy' are read, same for 'Octane_layer_ID' and 'octane_layer_ID')
- Fixed conversion failing to be activated (still grey materials in 4.19, where was working in 4.18..)

Changes of the 4.19 version
- Loading of 2.23.2 - 1.9 and older scenes with material conversion fully supported.
- Added conversion dialog in 'Tools' tab. See tooltips for more details.

Changes of the 4.18 version
- Loading of 2.23.2 - 1.9 and older scenes with material conversion support added. This should remove the need to use the external material converter !
  (This is a Test version! : Known issues: gamma and ToneMaping are incorrect, memory usage will increase
  -> don't overwrite you old scenes yet!)
- Fixed crash when using Reaction Manager with octane materials.

Changes of the 4.17 version
- New 3.03.4 rendering core.
- Fixed Black screen rendered when using Free Camera.
- Always enabled button to logout in Account tab.
- Added statistics in render window (object, face, light count).
- Changed CPU memory usage stat in Viewport to show used/maxi of 'out of core' reserved memory, instead of total estimate usage.
- bugs and memory leaks fixes.
Changes of the 4.16 version
- New 3.03.3 rendering core. Volumes export must work stable now, plus there are some other fixes in this new rendering core version...
- Added new "visible..." attributes for visible environment mode of daylight object.

Changes of the 4.15 version
- Implemented an export of volume objects. Known issue: currently export process might crash on some specific volume shapes. This is Octane core issue, must be fixed with next SDK version...
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.14 version
- Improved render-elements windows positioning when exporting from interactive session.
- Fixed fluctuating bug: camera exposure got changed in some special cases after opening the saved scene (e.g. if FStop was not 2.8).
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.13 version
- Added VDB import units type field to Octane VDB object.

Changes of the 4.12 version
- Unlocked the plugin's feature I've implemented a long time ago, responsible for loading the vertex velocities channel data into Octane rendering core if a velocity channel is present in an object of interest and if this channel is filled with a correct data by this object. This will not work for any 3ds Max (or thirdparty plugins) objects that do not have velocity channel exposed or fill it with faulty data (I've not seen the ones that do it correctly so far, perhaps you will find some). You can now find "Velocity channel ID" field in "Octane properties" of objects. Loading of velocity channel data into the Octane rendering core is disabled if this field has value less than "2" ('cause channel "0" is always "vertex colors" and channel "1" is a first UV channel).
- Fixed a bug: Octane OpenVDB object crashed if a chosen VDB file path did not exist.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.11 version
- Implemented the width/height settings for textures' viewport preview buffer.
- Now when "Render Map" is used for Octane textures the result has the desired resolution chosen in the "Render Map" dialog.
- Textures preview is now refreshed in 3ds Max viewport after changes are made.
- Implemented a translation of "crop/placement" parameters for native bitmap textures in materials converter.
- Implemented a translation of image sequence parameters for native bitmap textures in materials converter.
- Fixed region rendering bug in final render mode.
- Fixed the fluctuating bug: sometimes the interactive rendering got endlessly refreshed if turbosmooth modifier had been applied.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.10 version
- Fixed image textures camera mapping for movable proxy objects.
- Materials converter now retains viewport-active texture.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.9 version
- New 3.03.2 rendering core.
- Implemented the targeted/untargeted modes for Octane camera (e.g. usable for perspective match tool).
- Now you can set the quality for materials/textures previews (new "Mat. preview spp" field in Octane render settings).
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.8 version
- New 3.03.1 rendering core.
- Far clip is now supported by camera.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.7 version
- Implemented the workaround to make the "Place highlight" functionality work. Use the new "Flip" attribute in Octane light object. It is a good practice to have this checkbox enabled in any new Octane light you create. It only needs to be disabled by default to not get all the lights flipped in your old scenes.
- Fixed a bug: artifacts sometimes when 3ds Max native textures were used as Octane image textures input.

Changes of the 4.6 version
- Improved the new "Save image" functionality of Octane interactive viewport. Now the render elements are given names and saved automatically.
- Improved the IES distribution visualization feature: now some melformed IES files are understood by the plugin.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.5 version
- Implemented a direct saving of current content of Octane viewport into image. See a new "Save image" button in a toolbar.
- Fixed one more issue of distribution visualization of some specific IES files for some specific locales.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.4 version
- PhoenixFD simulator object without OctaneVolume modifier applied is now considered a mesh by Octane. This is usable if you tend to enable "Show mesh" in it and render it as a mesh, not as a volume.
- Fixed IES distribution visualisation bug appeared for some specific locales.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.3 version
- Implemented new kind of Environment - "Visible environment". The existing Octane DayLight object ideology is changed. Now you can use up to two of those objects in a scene - one for main environment and one for visible environment (the new "Kind" attribute). And now you can set either of those to either "Daylight" or "Texture" environment type (the new "Type" attribute). In this case, if the main environment node is set to "Texture" type - it will replace the Octane environment map set in 3ds Max standard settings (if any).
- Added error logging to IES visualisation functionality. If you have issues with displaying IES distribution in 3ds Max viewport - attach please the Octane error log to the bugreport.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.2 version
- Fixed image textures bug.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.1 version
- Implemented the PhoenixFD simulator support. You need to apply the new "OctaneVolume" modifier on top of simulator object to have access to additional Octane-specific settings. Mapping of PhoenixFD channels to Octane: temperature -> emission, smoke -> apsorption -> scatter, and velocity -> velocity.
- Implemented a feeding of Octane image textures by non-Octane textures input. Now not only BitmapTex can be connected to "bitmap" attribute of Octane image textures. In this case the new "Bake input scale" and "Bake input resolution" attributes of Octane image texture must be tuned accordingly. But I still advise you to not abuse this approach too much, and still use the old efficient way: manually baking the texture to the file and use this file in created Octane image node. Because in the latter case you will do this manual baking only once - when you are creating the texture. But when you use this "on the fly" texture baking approach - the plugin will render (using standard 3ds Max CPU-calculated nodes) and bake every such texture every time during scene translation. So, if you have quite a few of such textures with high baking-resolution set - it will significantly increase the scene translation time. My measures for just one 3ds Max "Marble texture" show about 67ms rendering and baking it into 512x512 image buffer, and about 1500ms to do the same into 4092x4092 image buffer. Multiply this by amount of your non-Octane textures in the Octane scene - and you will get the overall slowdown time of every translation stage (the CPU-stage before Octane even starts to render on GPU).
- Minor fixes and improvements...

Changes of the 4.0 version
- Implemented the support of "Time" settings of standard BitmapTex when it is connected to any of Octane image textures. "Sync Frames to Particle Age" currently is not supported - this needs the support on Octane rendering core level.
- Implemented advanced file sequence settings for Octane image textures and volume object. The "digits number" setting only makes sense when direct file sequence is used (not an IFL file). The "end condition" makes sense only when IFL file is used. The "start frame" and "playback rate" are used in both modes.
- Textures preview now respects the timeline position when generated.
- Implemented the distribution visualisation for Octane IES lights having target. See the new "IES distribution visualisation" section in Octane settings.
- Minor fixes and improvements...

You can read about new features of OctaneRender™ 3.08 here:


OctaneRender for 3ds Max 3.08 - 5.08

DEMO version:
OctaneRender for 3ds Max 3.08 - 5.08 DEMO

If you need to see the changelog of current rendering core, or download standalone installer to get network slave and daemon please find it here:

The 3dsMax plugin Manual is available there:
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby coilbook » Wed May 09, 2018 2:03 am

coilbook Wed May 09, 2018 2:03 am
Hi What about slow geometry processing of phoenix ocean mesh ? Was this fixed? Vray renders ocean quick without 2 min processing each frame.
Also will we see wetmaps rendered as texture any time soon?

Thank you
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby Elvissuperstar007 » Wed May 09, 2018 5:37 am

Elvissuperstar007 Wed May 09, 2018 5:37 am
You need to add to the material converter, the automatic conversion of the octane modifier PhoenixFD, what's the point of sitting and loading additional components? you can just click the convert and all. Why these complications of the process ( Octane Volume WSM - Octane Particle WSM ) - WTF? no one understands how to use it, crutches all need to hide and not scare people, which prevents the same result of the material PhoenixFD original to PhoenixFD Octane = converter Click.
bicycle without wheels, find the wheels yourself

turbulence fd cinema 4d , example, and do not engage in brainstorming
win 7 /64x C2Quad 6600 2.4/ Nvidia 9800 GX2 1gb 512 bit + Asus 480 GTX/ DDR2 8Gb / NVIDIA 460 GTX 2GB/2x NVIDIA 580 GTX 3GB
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby Elvissuperstar007 » Wed May 09, 2018 6:02 am

Elvissuperstar007 Wed May 09, 2018 6:02 am
multitexture? 5 years, please. they said how we will make the OSL, everything will be possible. it's the same standard! We suffer constantly
Just do not throw us OSL code, we need to use the classic plugin Multi Texture map - CG-Source
Vray/Corona/RedShift/Fstorm/Arion/Arnold/Mentalray/Iray/ = support from the very beginning ALL OK!
Octane = we go our own way, Fuck users every time

you have the same person Karba (FStorm) who worked, which somehow "STOLE code )))" the octane, but he has support, and you do not have

make such randomdomise from different materials and I'll take back my words

octane 6.1 innovations features support Multitexture! 200$
images.jpg (7.27 KiB) Viewed 4912 times
win 7 /64x C2Quad 6600 2.4/ Nvidia 9800 GX2 1gb 512 bit + Asus 480 GTX/ DDR2 8Gb / NVIDIA 460 GTX 2GB/2x NVIDIA 580 GTX 3GB
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby solomon » Wed May 09, 2018 2:01 pm

solomon Wed May 09, 2018 2:01 pm
there is something odd going on with this build... when I import static characters, the OctaneRender viewport renders fine, with no flickering, but when I import the same character with animation, the renderer constantly flickers, and looks like its jumping between one graphics card to the next... this does not happen with static geometry... is there a way to fix this or its just a bug?

I had to fall back to a previous build OctaneRender_for_3ds_Max_3.07_-_4.44, where it works fine.
Solomon W. Jagwe
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby coilbook » Wed May 09, 2018 3:30 pm

coilbook Wed May 09, 2018 3:30 pm
Hi Paride,
is there any way for this box to leave dirt texture foot print but not to render the box itself . It kind of works when alpha shadow is on but not when alpha shadow is off. We just need a wet footprint but don't need the box to show. Thanks


It looks like even when cast shadows is unchecked (object properties) the object still casts shadows (when alpha shadows are off). it is a bug can otoy make it where objects don't cast shadows when cast shadows is off even when alpha shadows are off. Thanks


Also this and last builds give me these errors and rendering stops and gives again this strange see through bug that is hard to catch

Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
see through bug.jpg
shadow bug.jpg
dirt alpha.jpg
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby paride4331 » Thu May 10, 2018 12:42 pm

paride4331 Thu May 10, 2018 12:42 pm
coilbook wrote:Hi Paride,
is there any way for this box to leave dirt texture foot print but not to render the box itself . It kind of works when alpha shadow is on but not when alpha shadow is off. We just need a wet footprint but don't need the box to show. Thanks


It looks like even when cast shadows is unchecked (object properties) the object still casts shadows (when alpha shadows are off). it is a bug can otoy make it where objects don't cast shadows when cast shadows is off even when alpha shadows are off. Thanks


Also this and last builds give me these errors and rendering stops and gives again this strange see through bug that is hard to catch

Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)
Can't connect node 'tx-Map #1861901944' (NT_TEX_FLOATIMAGE, 0000019FFFEB6190) to static pin 'displacement' (P_DISPLACEMENT, type PT_DISPLACEMENT) of node 'mtl-Material #2097646114' (NT_MAT_SPECULAR, 000001A2FF8584C0)

you could try using vertex map, take a look at this:
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby coilbook » Thu May 10, 2018 11:59 pm

coilbook Thu May 10, 2018 11:59 pm
Thanks Paride
But I thought octane doesn’t work with vertex paint
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby acc24ex » Fri May 11, 2018 1:06 pm

acc24ex Fri May 11, 2018 1:06 pm
didn't try this version, but I didn't see you fixed it..

1. - normal bug (when set to anything else then none smoothing issues) - way old bug, that you seem to just workaround it, well, I quickly catced it, but new users are gonna be hell of a lot confused when they catch it..

2. - pflow and blobmesh is incredibly insanely slow to load, not a huge mesh like .5 gb, and vith viewport open, and any update takes a few minutes to refresh, while it might take 10 seconds without the viewport ...

3. - with viewport open and paused and locked, it still force updates when I delete one proxy object - this is insanely frustrating - why is this necessary? It brutally murders my flow.. I'd rather update geometry manually each time than have this checking and rechecking and force updating viewport / I mean it unlocks the viewport - what's the point of the lock button there ..

4. that old old bug when I do alpha channel I get those gray squares like it's see transparent, which isn't.. where there was no problems with old version - but I would have to confirm that one with another project..

.. I'm now guess that with particles, each time a particle dies or gets changed or deleted, octane takes extra time to slow down the whole process, even though pause and lock is activated - at least confirm this, so I know it's not me, I don't have hours to test out each version - so it is very much your obligation to solve the issues that came out a few times at least - normals bug, and delete force refresh viewport - is a priority, I'm not even sure people realize it's slowing their system..

- all other slowdowns may stem down from this force refresh viewport action

.. I'm using it for production now, the metal material works great - is there documentation on it though? - unfortunately this is the best way to test out the current build, it's got great new features and all, but gotta fix repeatable bugs
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Re: OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v3.08 - 5.08

Postby coilbook » Fri May 11, 2018 2:37 pm

coilbook Fri May 11, 2018 2:37 pm
acc24ex wrote:didn't try this version, but I didn't see you fixed it..

1. - normal bug (when set to anything else then none smoothing issues) - way old bug, that you seem to just workaround it, well, I quickly catced it, but new users are gonna be hell of a lot confused when they catch it..

2. - pflow and blobmesh is incredibly insanely slow to load, not a huge mesh like .5 gb, and vith viewport open, and any update takes a few minutes to refresh, while it might take 10 seconds without the viewport ...

3. - with viewport open and paused and locked, it still force updates when I delete one proxy object - this is insanely frustrating - why is this necessary? It brutally murders my flow.. I'd rather update geometry manually each time than have this checking and rechecking and force updating viewport / I mean it unlocks the viewport - what's the point of the lock button there ..

4. that old old bug when I do alpha channel I get those gray squares like it's see transparent, which isn't.. where there was no problems with old version - but I would have to confirm that one with another project..

.. I'm now guess that with particles, each time a particle dies or gets changed or deleted, octane takes extra time to slow down the whole process, even though pause and lock is activated - at least confirm this, so I know it's not me, I don't have hours to test out each version - so it is very much your obligation to solve the issues that came out a few times at least - normals bug, and delete force refresh viewport - is a priority, I'm not even sure people realize it's slowing their system..

- all other slowdowns may stem down from this force refresh viewport action

.. I'm using it for production now, the metal material works great - is there documentation on it though? - unfortunately this is the best way to test out the current build, it's got great new features and all, but gotta fix repeatable bugs

with pflow I definitely recommend adding cache event right bellow the render in pflow source. Helped me a lot with animation.
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