OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Forums: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]
Poser (Integrated Plugin developed by Paul Kinnane)

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OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby face_off » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:47 am

face_off Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:47 am
This is the recommended thread for downloading, and posting any questions, suggestions or support queries for OctaneRender for Poser TEST and STABLE releases.

Pls read http://poserphysics.blogspot.com.au/2016/03/before-you-submit-octane-support.html prior to posting support issues.

Poser Version
Windows: Poser9/PoserPro2012, Poser10/PoserPro2014 and Poser 11/11 Pro, on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.
OSX : PoserPro2012, PoserPro2014 and Poser 11/11 Pro 64bit, on MAC OS X 10.9.4 onwards.

Nvidia Driver Version
Windows : Nvidia drivers 392.x or later
OSX : CUDA Driver Version: 9.1 or later

Network Rendering
For Network Rendering, you must use the Octane slave release from the Octane Standalone installer which matches the exact Octane version of the plugin you are using.

If you have a support issue, pls provide the following information:
- OctaneRender for Plugin version (ie.
- Poser version (Poser -> Help -> About Poser) - list the build number (eg.
- Operating System (ie. Win XP, Vista, 7, 8)
- Amount of RAM
- Graphics Card(s) - model (ie. GTX 580, 3GB)
- Nvidia driver version

Also have ready a copy of
- octaneplugin.log and cuda.log file from your Poser temp direction (Poser -> Edit -> General Preferences -> Misc tab to find the temp directory), and
- config.xml, which is in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Poser Pro\9 for Poser 9/2012 and C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Poser Pro\10 for Poser10/2014.

If you have questions....
- Read the latest up-to-date on-line manual
- Read Wim's Poser Plugin User Guide
- Watch the Features Video
- Read the Features Blog Posting
- Watch the Introductory Tutorial
- Watch the Instancing Video
- Watch the HDR Light Studio Video
- Post your question on this forum thread

Download Links

Latest TEST build (Octane 3.08.2)
- Windows Regular OctaneRender for Poser
- Windows Subscription OctaneRender for Poser
- OSX Regular OctaneRender for Poser
- OSX Subscription OctaneRender for Poser

Latest STABLE build (Octane 3.08)
- Windows OctaneRender for Poser
- OSX OctaneRender for Poser

Previous STABLE build (Octane 3.07)
- Windows OctaneRender for Poser
- OSX OctaneRender for Poser

Release Notes (10-Jul-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08.2. See viewtopic.php?f=24&t=68091 for details
- Octane 3.08.2 resolves an issue where Greyscale nodes plugged into Normal pins were rendering incorrectly
- Removed the Cuda Devices list, and replaced with the Octane Standalone Devices panel
- Added support for 4k monitors (3-May-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08
- Added a hidden configuration option to suppress the Animation Finished dialog. To activate this option, use the following python code:
octanePlugin = __import__("OctaneRender for Poser")
octanePlugin.Configuration.m_SuppressAnimationEndDialog = True (8-Mar-2018)
- Compiled with Octane 3.08 RC1 (see https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=63219 for details)
- Added Toon and Metallic materials
- Toon shading only works in Camera Light toon lighting mode.
- You can use OSL Textures by changing the Material Node Type to a NodeGraph and then adding an OSL Texture
- Added Custom Lut pin to the Imager node. Load .cube file into this node
- Changed the plugin version number to make it clearer which Octane release it uses (5-Nov-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.07
- Fixed issue where the Misc category on the LiveDb was not showing the correct materials (15-Sep-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.07 TEST 6.
- Compiled with Octane 3.07 TEST 3. See viewtopic.php?f=33&t=62636 for details. (11-Jun-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.06.2 (23-Apr-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.06. See https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=60014 for details
- Added status window to show the progress when the plugin is loading the camera animation track into Octane when the Camera Motion Blur checkbox is ticked
- Fixed issue where the Scatter mesh type was not working. If you change a figure/prop from Scatter or Proxy or Mesh, the scene will refresh if the Viewport is open (17-Jan-2017)
- Compiled with Octane 3.05.3
- EXPERIMENTAL: Added "Proxy" option to the Node Type combobox of meshes. Select Proxy, and then you can load an ORBX or OCS file to render in place of the Figure/Prop. The OCS/ORBX file MUST HAVE A GEOMETRY OUT node (with the geometry you want to render connected to it) in the scene. If you tick the Animation->Camera Motion Blur checkbox, the timeline inside the OCS/ORBX will be updated each frame when rendering the animation, so animations inside the OCS/ORBX file will render. You can use this feature to add VDB files into your scene. The Proxy will always for placed in the centre of the scene, so to transform it you need to place a Placement node in the OCS/ORBX connected to the Geometry Out, which you can use to scale, rotate and transform the proxy. (16-Nov-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.4 (3-Nov-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.3 (10-Oct-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.1
- Fixed issue where the AO Texture could not be disconnected (10-Oct-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.04
- Added additional pins to the Falloff Map node as per Octane 3.04
- Fixed issue where the color picker could not be closed for nodes belonging to unused materials (6-Sep-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.4
- All Image, Float Image and Alpha Image Power pins now have a maximum of 5 (12-Aug-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.3
- Added the option to upload the current scene to the Octane Cloud Renderer via the Settings->Upload Frame to Octane Cloud Render menu option.
- Added the option to upload the current animation to the Octane Cloud Renderer via the Animation->Cloud Render button
- Fixed issue where the NodeGraph Edit button would no longer be displayed for NodeGraph materials after refreshing the scene
- Fixed issue where Export Animation and Cloud Render (Animation) were both ignoring the Start Frame and End Frame numbers
- Fixed issue where selecting the Gradient->Interpolation pin would raise a python exception (18-Jul-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.2 (13-JuL-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.1
- Added additional code to reconnect to the Otoy servers if needed when opening the LiveDb window (16-Jun-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.02
- Added missing files Refresh2.png and splash_mini 3.png to the OSX installer (16-Jun-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.01.1
- Added an "Activation" button to the OctaneLive tab which can be used to deactivate the plugin
- You can now disconnect the Medium from the Environment Medium pin
- Fixed issue where loading certain LiveDb materials would crash the plugin
- The Maximum value of the Power of Image maps for Bump maps is now 5 (25-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 (3.0.20)
- If you have ticked "Use offline licensing on this computer" when authenticating the plugin, you can now click the Deactive button on the OctaneLive tab to de-activate the plugin license
* NOTE: Poser10/PoserPro2014 using may need to roll back to Nvidia driver 358.50 to use this release. This issue is being investigated. (9-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3 beta 1 (3.0.12)
- Fixed issue where render statistics were not being displayed when render region was enabled (1-May-2016)
- Compiled with Octane 3 alpha 10 (3.0.10). This means that Render Region is working again, plus many other changes (refer to the Octane Standalone 3 Alpha 10 thread for details)
- Username and password is now not entered or stored in the authentication panel
- Visible Environment pin added to the Rendertarget
- Fixed issue where generating a scatter file was not working correctly
- Fixed issue where Poser materials with no transmap, but with a non-zero transparency, where converting to an Octane glossy material with the incorrect Opacity
- Converting Poser emitter materials to Octane emitter materials now applies the Poser material transmap/transparency to the Octane opacity
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 6 (3.0.6). Note the minimum Nvidia driver required is 353
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 5 (3.0.5)
- Fixed issue where Poser11 figure control props would be rendered
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 4 (3.0.4)
- You can now specify the LocalDb folder in the Configuration (so you can set this folder if you have changed the Octane Standalone LocalDb folder)
- When converting Poser Ambient Materials to Octane Emitter Materials, the Diffuse_Color is now ued as the Emitter texture color of there is no emitter texturemap plugged into the Ambient_Color. This more closely matches the behavior of the FireFly renderer
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 3 (3.0.3)
- Added support for ',' as the decimal place in float text boxes
- Enhanced the conversion of Emitter materials, so that if an Ambient_Color image is present in the Poser Material, it will be used as the Octane emission texture
- Minor bug fixes for Render Passes and the Infochannel Kernel
- Compiled with Octane 3.0 alpha 2
- Added Baking Camera. The Baking Group Id for each mesh can be set in the Node Properties window of each [Mesh] item in the Materials tree
- Manual updated with Octane 3 features. Pls see https://docs.otoy.com/Poser/?page_id=432 for details.
- Updated the header graphics to Octane 3
- Resolved issue introduced in where incorrect samples were being reported during rendering
- Compiled with Octane 3.0.0
- Added Medium and Medium Radius to the Daylight and Texture Environment settings
- Added new Render Passes
- Removed "Ambient" and "Sample Environment" GI Modes from the Direct Light kernel
- Added Deep Image settings to the kernel settings
- Displacement Offset of -1/2 the Displacement Amount has been replaced by setting the Mid Level to 0.5

* Addition of VDB support is awaiting a change in the Octane API
* If your default rendertarget has Render Passes->Info After Beauty ticked, I suggest unticking it and re-saving your default rendertarget
- Displacement Offset is now negative 1/2 the Displacement Amount to accommodate the grey-based 0 displacement that is generally used for Poser displacement maps
- Added Poser 11 support (see https://docs.otoy.com/Poser/?page_id=423 for details)
- If there is no Infinite light in the scene, and the Daylight environment is being used, and the user does NOT have Expert Mode ticked, a warning is now displayed
- Octane Shadow Visibility is turned OFF by default or the Poser 11 Ground Plane / Dome
- Compiled with Octane 2.24.2
- Removed support for the 32 bit version of the plugin
- Fixed python exception when disconnecting bump maps
- Added Refresh button to the Viewport window (this has the same functionality as the Refresh button on the Setup window)
- Added a NodeGraph checkbox to material nodes to convert them from the tree structure to an Octane NodeGraph format. Click the Edit button to edit the material. See https://youtu.be/UwPthyrV6zw for details
- Fixed issue where multiple selecting materials and "Paste Clipboard Material To All Selected Materials - Retain Existing Imagemaps" was not retaining the texturemaps
- Fixed python exception introduced in when re-converting from Poser materials
- Compiled with Octane 2.24
- Spaced the resolution Aspect Ratio widgets out to better accommodate different Windows ont sizes
- Added "Print Saved Info" option to the Material tab rightclick menu for material nodes
- Added "Clear All Octane Data" script available from the Scripts->OctaneRender for Poser menu, which deletes all Octane data from the current scene. Use with caution!
- Pasting/Importing materials retaining texturemaps now retains Displacement maps
- Added "Help" button to the Settings tab, which opens the on-line manual
- Fixed issue where pasting and importing using the Retain Texturemaps option was not working correctly with Mix nodes
- Add configuration option to turn Dial Linking ON (this is OFF by default).
- Only visible dials are now included in the Dial Linking combobox. This fixes some of the lag issues associated with the Dial Linking feature
- Changing the linked dial combo box now instantly refreshes the Viewport
- Fixed issue where selecting a material in the Poser Material room was multi-selecting in the plugin Materials tab
- Added the ability to link Greyscale Color and Float Value nodes to a Dial belonging to the Figure Body or Prop, for animation purposes. This does not save to the Poser Material (when you "Save Octane Nodes to Poser Material"). Copy and Paste nodes will paste the link, but exported, imported, etc will not transfer the dial links
- Fixed issue where changing a node type was changing the tree scrollbar position
- Fixed python exception raised when clicking the Resolution Lock button
- Fixed issue introduced in that resulted in Material Picking not working
- Compiled with Octane 2.23.2
- Added support for HDR Light Studio v5
- Added Multiple Selection support (using shift click, or right click) to the Material tab tree. This allows you to paste a previously copied material to multiple selected materials. This only works if you have only selected Material nodes.
- Added multiple material selection option to convert all selected materials to diffuse
- Added additional debug info to octaneplugin.log
- Compiled with Octane 2.23.1 - so Kernel->Keep Environment is back
- Added Animation output save format "EXR All Passes" - to save all the render layers in separate layers in the EXR file for each frame
- Added addition error checking when processing missing texturemaps to prevent unicode encoding exceptions.
- Fixed Octane error occuring when starting to render an animation with the Viewport already open.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Material Id pass from rendering
- Fixed bug where render passes were not displaying when selected in the Viewport
- Added Material node button "Scale Texturemaps", to scale all texturemaps and procedural textures for the given material simultaneously
- Fixed issue where the Show Tooltips and Allow Scaled Cameras configuration options were not being saved correctly to the configuration file
- Compiled with Octane 2.22.2. See Octane Standalone for release notes, including Camera pin additions.
- Added "Cube Map" project type to the Spherical Camera
- Fixed issue where the Reload Texturemaps function was not working
- Fixed issue where ticking Refresh Scene Each Frame was causing animated textures to not render correctly
- Fixed issue where if a material had been saved to a Poser material, the search for missing texturemaps would not occur when reconverted than Poser material to an Octane material
- Fixed issue where the Aperture was not being set correctly for the Dolly camera
- Fixed issue where updating vertices between animation frames was taking too long
- Fixed issue where props parented to figures with duplicate prop names would be treated as the same prop. Previously, same-named props parented to different figures would share their materials - however this was causing a bug with copy/paste/import/export of these materials, so this has changed. For old scene where duplicate prop names exists for props parented to figures, the duplicate prop will have it's materials re-converted from the Poser material the first time you open the scene with this version of the plugin.
- Pin changes to the Thin Lens camera stereo settings

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender® for Poser (Windows/OSX) 3.03.4 [TEST]

Postby face_off » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:48 am

face_off Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:48 am
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.03.4
- All Image, Float Image and Alpha Image Power pins now have a maximum of 5

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby face_off » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:35 am

face_off Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:35 am
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.04
- Added additional pins to the Falloff Map node as per Octane 3.04
- Fixed issue where the color picker could not be closed for nodes belonging to unused materials

Poser stand hair can now be setup to use the new W Coordinate node (see the Octane Standalone 3.04 release notes for details). Use it as follows:

w coord.png

For the stand hair material, set the Diffuse pin to a Gradient node, and set the Input Texture to a W Coordinate node. The Start Value of the gradient will be the root color and the End Value of the gradient will be the tip color. If you need more colors, you will need to set the material up as a node graph.

This thread also now includes STABLE build installer links.


Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby wimvdb » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:48 pm

wimvdb Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:48 pm
Thanks Paul.
Also for merging the threads!
Configuration: Windows 11 Pro, I9 12900K, 128GB, RTX 3090, P12 b1029
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby face_off » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:59 am

face_off Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:59 am
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.1
- Fixed issue where the AO Texture could not be disconnected

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby Erick » Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:17 pm

Erick Sun Oct 23, 2016 12:17 pm
Thanks for the update! :D

Btw, was there a change, between the previous release of OR and the updated one (3.4.1), when it comes to overall brightness/exposer?
I have prepared a scene in Poser with the previous release and did a few quick test renders. Today I updated and wanted to render the scene. I now had to raise the exposer from 2 to a bit over 4 (using Response: Linear/OFF).
It's an enclosed scene with daylight, portals and a few mesh lights.
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby Erick » Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:27 pm

Erick Sun Oct 23, 2016 1:27 pm
To answer my own question ....

I did 2 quick renders with the 2 latest builds.
The upper render was done with and the 2nd one with

Something has changed :D
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby face_off » Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:01 pm

face_off Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:01 pm
Btw, was there a change, between the previous release of OR and the updated one (3.4.1), when it comes to overall brightness/exposer?
This appears to be a bug with portals. It has also been reported at https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=85&t=56929&start=10#p292716. OTOY are aware of the problem.

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby Erick » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:42 pm

Erick Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:42 pm
Ah, ok.
Thanks for the heads up, Paul.
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Re: OctaneRender 3 for Poser (Windows/OSX) [TEST and STABLE]

Postby face_off » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:47 pm

face_off Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:47 pm
I have updated the installers at the top of this thread with:
- Compiled with Octane 3.04.3

Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M
Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke
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