Can we Please Turn off Inactive Viewports from Updating??

Forums: Can we Please Turn off Inactive Viewports from Updating??
Autodesk Maya (Plugin developed by JimStar)

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Can we Please Turn off Inactive Viewports from Updating??

Postby itsallgoode9 » Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:46 pm

itsallgoode9 Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:46 pm
I've noticed that if inactive viewports have octane viewport rendering turned on, those scenes are still updating/rendering in the background, even if they aren't visible.

This is REALLY noticeable if I'm using the scene scale parameter, as any little change causes all of the go to re-translate (I previously made a post about this, not realizing it was due to inactive viewports updating)

There's not alot of reasons a non visible viewport should be updating. Can we please have an option in the render globals to turn off inactive viewports from rendering?
Intel i7-3930K, 64gb RAM, Asus X79 Deluxe mobo, 2x EVGA 780 6gb (for rendering), 1x PNY quaddro k4000 (for display)
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Re: Can we Please Turn off Inactive Viewports from Updating??

Postby itsallgoode9 » Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:11 am

itsallgoode9 Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:11 am
Along with the requestedoption can we please get an option in render globals to "disable all octane render viewports on scene open" (this option would need to be able to be applied globally to scene, not only per scene) --this would help GREATLY in trouble shooting random scene issues.

Today I spent about an hour trying to get a problematic scene to open--which it WOULD open but for some reason, it would freeze Maya as soon as Octane started rendering (it would do every time because I had last closed Maya with one of the viewports set to octane renderview). Eventually I had to give up and go to an older version, losing a 1/2 hour of work and an hour and a half of time.

If I was able to open a blank scene, turn on a global option for "disable octane viewport rendering on scene open", I would've then been able to open my problematic scene and try to troubleshoot the issue. This isn't the only time I've run into the issue over the years, so it would be super useful for trouble shooting problematic scenes. As well, for efficiency on heavy scenes, it would be nice to not have to sit there for a minute while maya/octane translates the scene when it opens, just so I can turn off viewport rendering and get to work.
Intel i7-3930K, 64gb RAM, Asus X79 Deluxe mobo, 2x EVGA 780 6gb (for rendering), 1x PNY quaddro k4000 (for display)
Windows 8.1 x64, Maya 2014, Octane Render v2
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Re: Can we Please Turn off Inactive Viewports from Updating??

Postby itsallgoode9 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:38 pm

itsallgoode9 Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:38 pm
Ran into this again yesterday at work. A coworker was working on a pretty limited system at home on a file I sent, and it would freeze/crash maya whenever he opened it because it was starting to render upon opening, while trying to load texstures, update texture ball swatches, etc. There was no way to turn off rendering since I had saved it with one of the viewports rendering, thus it automatically started when opening on his machine too. I ended up saving a new version, making sure all rendering viewports render was turned off and he was able to to open and work in the file perfectly fine.

The more where I'm seeing situations like this, we need overrides for :

1. Prevent non active viewports from rendering
2. Disable all rendering upon scene open
3. Disable all rendering upon .ORBX export (it's a waste of time to wait for an export only to find a viewport you never use was rendering in the background,
so the export fails)
4. Stop all rendering Button ( for efficiency, so you don't have to go through each orthographic view to manually turn off rendering)
Intel i7-3930K, 64gb RAM, Asus X79 Deluxe mobo, 2x EVGA 780 6gb (for rendering), 1x PNY quaddro k4000 (for display)
Windows 8.1 x64, Maya 2014, Octane Render v2
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