Sculptron 1.0

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Sculptron 1.0

Postby linograndiotoy » Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:02 pm

linograndiotoy Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:02 pm

Dear all,

We are excited to bring you Sculptron 1.0!
For a limited time, customers that purchase a Wacom Cintiq Pro or MobileStudio Pro will receive a free 3-month SculptronTM subscription.

What is Sculptron?
Sculptron is a GPU based sculpt-animate application.
Sculptron primary target is to provide artists with a powerful sculpting tool conceived to work with 3D animation. It's not a replacement for ZBrush or any similar specialized sculpting applications you can use to edit static models. Sculptron introduces sculpting into your animation workflow, along with a set of new deformers and animation capabilities.

Sculptron 1.0
Sculptron has been deeply re-engineered to enhance the possibility of implementing a wide range of important features, with the scope of making it a powerful and very specialized cache editing and 3D animation system.

When we come to animated deformations, Sculptron shows some incredible performances hardly matched by any other currently available 3D animation software.
By the way, despite its name, Sculptron is not just a sculpting software and should not be compared to specialized Sculpting applications like ZBrush or Mudbox: it’s definitely focused on Animated Sculpting and deformation. Being able to animate a huge amount of polygons (like a character composed by 500k pure - not subpatched - polygons can be) has been our target since the start. We’re always looking for new ways to optimize performances and we’ll never stop doing it, but I’m sure any 3D artist will find in this version some unprecedented deformation speed, especially when combining animated Sculpt Layers and Effects.

New Outliner and New Scene Graph.
A new Outliner (in Alpha 2 we only had a very simple Item List) has been introduced and it’s the core of scene management in Sculptron.
It’s now possible to select (and multi-select) item(s), parent them and change their order in the list.
Clicking with the Right mouse button on any item will bring up additional options (Delete, Hierarchy selection, Collapse/Expand Hierarchy).

The Outliner is also the place where the Modifier Stack lives and can be managed.
You can “parent” effects and Sculpt Layers to it, change order and see the resulting mesh deformation in real time.

Object Transforms and Attributes (animable).
It’s now possible to animate Item Transformations and any Attribute in the scene (Alpha 2 only allowed for animated sculpting).
It is possible to animate any properties showing the curve icon. Activating it will create an editable animation track.

In this case clicking on the curve icon relative to the Morph attribute enables animation for the Sculpt Layer:

The relative animation track becomes available in the Animation Editor:

Fully functional Modifier Stack and Deformers.
In this new version we introduced a very powerful Modifier Stack with full Order of Operation support.
The new modifier stack allows artists to combine multiple deformers in sequence and see the final result in real time on the deformed mesh. It’s now possible to combine MDD caches (even multiple ones), Sculpt Layers and Linear Deformers, plus a number of very powerful modifiers like the Transform Effect. The number of available deformers is going to get bigger and bigger moving forward.

New Environment Item and PBR Environment Shading.
The new Environment Item allows an HDRI image to be used for OpenGL PBR lighting and reflections.
The Environment Item also offers several options to customize the background image.

In addition to the already available Matcaps, we introduced a new PBR Material with UV texturing support, supporting PBR environment lighting and reflections

New Volume Item and Improved Volume visualization/workflow.
The new Volume Item can convert any static or animated mesh into a VDB volume, which can then be exported as a frame or a sequence.

A Noise Generator can be used to apply SDF Noise and Volumetric Noise to the volume.
Volumetric Noise:

Volumetric Noise+SDF Noise:

The result can be exported in VDB format and used in Octane:

We’ve introduced the concept of Camera. As everything in this new version of Sculptron, it can be animated.

New Noise Generator.
The procedural textures available in the new Noise Generator now respond perfectly to any change applied using the new Transform tool. Its' now possible to animaate the position, rotation and scale of the noise.

A Texture Preview is now available:

Procedural Texture Based Sculpting.
Is now possible to drag a Generator to the Texture slot of a brush and use it for alpha sculpting.

Image Map
The new Image Map item can be used to map an Image Texture in a Volume or used as Alpha for Sculpting.

Tangent Space Sculpting.
We introduced Obejct Space to Tangent Space conversion for sculpting.
The sculpt in the current frame can be converted and the "stroke" (or multiple strokes) will stay consistent with the animated cache deformation. If multiple Keyframes are present in the Sculpt Layer, conversion will not work for now.
Also, Tangent Space can only be combined with Cache and Deformers, not with other Sculpt Layers.
Tangent Space conversion works great when we're editing animated caches and for example we need to modify a specific feature of a character.
The image on the left shows the unwanted effects of a sculpt created on a different frame. The one on the right shows the result after the conversion to Tangent Space.

Delta Mush is a deformer which smooths arbitrary deformation of a polygonal mesh without smoothing the original detail of the model. Delta Mush does not require meticulous up-front tuning: it easily accommodates model and rig changes; and it has proven to be versatile far beyond cleanup.
By making bad deformations good, Delta Mush helps facilitate an efficient character workflow.
Image nn the left, Without DeltaMush Effect enable; right image,DeltaMush Effect enable:

Transform Gizmo
We implemented a new unified Transform gizmo. Is now possible to Scale, Translate and Rotate items on single axis and planes, using Object, Parent or World Action Centers.
We'll extend Transform's functionalities and workflow during this cycle and in future releases.

Customizable Null Objects
We added Null Objects that can be used for the Scene setup (grouping items, as reference for deformers and so on). We added several shapes and options for full customization.

High Density Primitives
We added some high poly primitives that can be added to the scene from the Starter Objects menu.

Shortcuts list:


    Alt+ Left Mouse button drag = Rotate View
    ALT + Middle Mouse button drag = Pan View
    ALT + Right Mouse button drag = Zoom View
    CTRL = invert brush function when available
    SHIFT = Smooth Brush
    CTRL when using Grab = Constraint along normal
    f = Fit World
    SHIFT+f = Fit Selected

It's also possible to navigate using the mouse only (or the pen) without using any keyboard key:

    Left Mouse/Pen button drag in an empty area = Rotate View
    Middle Mouse/Pen button drag in an empty area = Pan View
    Right Mouse/Pen button drag in an empty area = Zoom View

When a touch enable tablet is used, gestures can be used to navigate:

    One finger = Rotate View
    Three fingers = Pan View
    Two fingers = Zoom View

Item Selection/Editing:

    q = Selection Mode
    t = Transform
    s = Sculpt
    CTRL+z = Undo
    CTRL+y = Redo

Known Issues

    - Please be sure to have a material assigned to the object or it will not be visible in the viewport
    - Undo will not work for deleted items
    - Deformers are not yet "unified"; some offers better visualization and options than others
    - After getting back to Sculptron from another app using Alt+Tab, it may happen to be stuck in navigation mode; pressing Alt solves the issue

    Please report any issue or any bug you may find!

Watch the Sculptron Introduction Video:

Sculptron Intro Video

Download Sculptron 1.0:

Sculptron Downloads
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby wavesoflight » Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:58 pm

wavesoflight Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:58 pm

I've downloaded Sculptron from my Otoy download section, but it will not load once installed. I get a small notification that something is happening (and an entry for Sculptron appears in Task Manager) but then nothing. No Otoy login screen, nothing.

I have updated Nvidia drivers to the latest studio drivers. I'm on windows 10 and I have two GPUs. The first is a 2070 and the second a 3080.

Is there anything else I need to do get Sculptron up and running.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby MyRho » Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:27 pm

MyRho Thu Mar 04, 2021 10:27 pm
Doesn't start here at all.
Windows 10, newest drivers, NVidia GTX 1080, 32 GB RAM, all Windows updates are installed.
I even can't see sculptron in the task manager.
Intel Core i7 3960X, X79A-GD65 (8D) (MS-7760), 32 GB DDR3-SDRAM G.Skill,
Asus GeForce GTX 3060 12GB, Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit.

Nihil sum sine sole.
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby linograndiotoy » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:56 pm

linograndiotoy Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:56 pm
Please send an email to [email protected] specifying your configuration and the subscription you're using!
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby ramone163 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:56 pm

ramone163 Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:56 pm
Same thing. Doesn't start here at all.
w10, Nvidia 461.40, Octane Studio subscription

linograndiotoy wrote:Please send an email to [email protected] specifying your configuration and the subscription you're using!
GPU: 980+1080+1080Ti; 3ds max;
Behance portfolio;;
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby wavesoflight » Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:06 pm

wavesoflight Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:06 pm
linograndiotoy wrote:Please send an email to [email protected] specifying your configuration and the subscription you're using!

All done. Cheers for trying to help out Lino.
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby linograndiotoy » Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:35 pm

linograndiotoy Fri Mar 05, 2021 4:35 pm
wavesoflight wrote:
linograndiotoy wrote:Please send an email to [email protected] specifying your configuration and the subscription you're using!

All done. Cheers for trying to help out Lino.

Thank you for your patience!
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby ChrisSmith » Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:24 pm

ChrisSmith Thu Mar 11, 2021 7:24 pm
This looks great.

Does Sculptron has the option to load image sequence?.., that would be very useful for vfx where you need full precision and also for reference.
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby tiagoffcruz » Fri Mar 12, 2021 4:41 pm

tiagoffcruz Fri Mar 12, 2021 4:41 pm
Artefacts everywhere, i already tried to install an older Gpu driver version but it didn't solved any of the problems.
I detected three main render problems so far, the PBR material is really dark when applied to the mesh, switching between matcaps causes most of the artfacts and the initial grid axis stay "Frozen Printed" on the screen all the time.

My machine: Ryzen 5 1600, 32GB RAM, GPU RX580
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Re: Sculptron 1.0

Postby Rikk The Gaijin » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:38 am

Rikk The Gaijin Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:38 am
@linograndi can you give me an estimate of when this will support Alembic? I desperately need a software to edit alembic animations.
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