Animating Octane parent material parameters in sequencer

Forums: Animating Octane parent material parameters in sequencer
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Moderator: ChrisHekman

Animating Octane parent material parameters in sequencer

Postby furlerer » Tue May 12, 2020 12:08 pm

furlerer Tue May 12, 2020 12:08 pm
I've been playing around with Octane in UE4 for a few hours after work the last few nights, and having a bunch of fun! I'm a newbie to Octane but a decent amount experienced with Unreal.
I've hit a bit of stump in making an emissive material I can apply to a mesh, and drive the power of the emissive through sequencer for rendering.
All the individual steps seem to work and make sense:
- Create a simple unreal unlit material with a parameter for colour and scaler to multiply by, which is output through Emissive channel.
- Create a unreal instance of this material to easily change colour and intensity
- Create an Octane material with the unreal instanced material as a parent and use the Emissive Colour pin from the parent to drive a Blackbody emissive node, which drives a diffuse emissive material.
- Apply Octane material to an object and tweak material parameters of the unreal instance and see the octane viewport render the changes immdiately.

This all works gloriously up to this point. However, as soon as I use sequencer to drive the material instances parameters, the octane viewport shows a much dimmer emissive glow, which doesn't seem to change to reflect the parameters changes, while the unreal viewport still shows the changes as expected. I'm still to new to Octane to know if this is an early version bug or I've missed something critical.

These screenshots illustrate the issue

Thanks again for bringing Octane to UE4, I'm having a blast (and finally giving my RTX card an honest workout :lol: )
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Re: Animating Octane parent material parameters in sequencer

Postby ChrisHekman » Wed May 13, 2020 9:36 am

ChrisHekman Wed May 13, 2020 9:36 am
Yea this is a known issue with the sequencer and octane materials. When a material is animated by the sequencer, Unreal creates a new instance material and applies that to the object. This new material is the actual material that is animated.
A fix for this is on the todo list.

Atm the only way to animate materials with the sequencer is to use normal materials.
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Re: Animating Octane parent material parameters in sequencer

Postby furlerer » Wed May 13, 2020 9:52 pm

furlerer Wed May 13, 2020 9:52 pm
Awesome, thanks for the reply Chris!

I'll keep my eye out on the future releases!

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