OctaneRender™ for Blender 3.04.3 - 11.10 Linux [OBSOLETE]

Forums: OctaneRender™ for Blender 3.04.3 - 11.10 Linux [OBSOLETE]
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OctaneRender™ for Blender 3.04.3 - 11.10 Linux [OBSOLETE]

Postby JimStar » Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:43 am

JimStar Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:43 am
OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Linux x64 version.

The bundle consists from two parts:
1. OctaneRender™ Server
2. Blender - OctaneRender™ edition.

After starting OctaneServer it will take some time before the LiveDB tree and LiveDB material previews will be available from Blender - as OctaneServer caches the LiveDB data from remote server right after starting. But only the materials groups tree will be re-cached every time after server start, LiveDB material preview images will be cached only once - so only the very first OctaneServer start will need some more time before LiveDB tree will be available in Blender.
After the server is run - you can start rendering (or open a rendered view) from inside Blender. Before the very first rendering you should fill in the server address.

You should use only OctaneRender materials inside Blender scenes - the plugin knows nothing about Blender specific materials and textures (about any Blender nodes, generally speaking).


  • Implemented a full group nodes support. In previous versions Octane did not see groups if they were connected directly to shader output node (only to other nodes). Now this works.

You can read about new features of OctaneRender™ 3.0 here:

- Just run the installer to see its command line keys.;)
- If you need to run the OctaneServer - run it as daemon:
Code: Select all
$ OctaneServer &


Blender Octane Edition - v11.10 Linux

DEMO is available..

Blender Octane Edition DEMO - v11.10 Linux

If you need to see the changelog of current rendering core, or download standalone installer to get network slave and daemon please find it here:

Please, if you decided to report a bug:

- Don't post in Blender section the reports about how Octane engine works - use the Octane Standalone forum sections for that.
- Give a meaningful description about what you think is wrong and how to reproduce it (in addition to screenshots if any). I can't solve the "one screenshot" rebuses without any meaningful description...
- If you use Google-translator to post here - check please what you got before posting it, and edit it before posting. Ask your friends to check it if you don't speak English.
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