OctaneBench® 3.06.2 - 1x GTX 580 + 4x GTX 590      6 results

Maximum 217.32 Average 215.66
Minimum 212.07 Median 215.65


This result includes a Multi-GPU Video Card.

GPU Model No. GPUs No. Cards
OctaneRender Support
2020 v4 v3 v2
GTX 580 1 1 2.0 X X
GTX 590 4 2 2.0 X X

Kernel Score #2 Weight #3 Sub-total
Info Channels 184 10 % 18.42
Direct Lighting 218 40 % 87.22
Path Tracing 220 50 % 110.04
Total Score #2 215.67
Scene Kernel Ms/s #4 Score #2
Interior (by Julia Lynen) Info Channels 97.94 190
Interior (by Julia Lynen) Direct Lighting 41.82 235
Interior (by Julia Lynen) Path Tracing 19.68 230
Idea (by Julio Cayetaño) Info Channels 160.39 187
Idea (by Julio Cayetaño) Direct Lighting 44.30 210
Idea (by Julio Cayetaño) Path Tracing 41.92 216
ATV (by Jürgen Aleksejev) Info Channels 56.98 182
ATV (by Jürgen Aleksejev) Direct Lighting 32.83 216
ATV (by Jürgen Aleksejev) Path Tracing 27.79 215
Box (by Enrico Cerica) Info Channels 117.36 178
Box (by Enrico Cerica) Direct Lighting 29.19 211
Box (by Enrico Cerica) Path Tracing 29.38 218
These values are calculated from the averages of all submissions and may not be representative of actual performance.

Score Distribution


#1 What score is recommended for Octane?
This depends on your scene complexity and time-frame, but we recommended a score no lower than 45 for good render performance.

Please note that cards must have a score of 20 or higher to meet Octane's minimal performance requirements. While cards below this level may still be compatible, Octane's performance will be significantly impacted.
#2 What does the score value mean?
The score is calculated from the measured speed (Ms/s or mega samples per second), relative to the speed we measured for a GTX 980. If the score is under 100, the GPU(s) is/are slower than the GTX 980 we used as reference, and if it's more the GPU(s) is/are faster.
#3 What does the weight value mean?
The weight determines how each kernel's score affects the final score, and kernels that have higher usage are weighted higher.
#4 What is Ms/s?
Ms/s is mega-samples per second, this value is the average of all the results uploaded to OctaneRender for this/these GPU(s).