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Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta3-R4 27.09.2023

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:52 pm
by aoktar
Hi all,
This is a Test plugin build based on 2023.1 Beta 2 SDK. There are still missing parts of new features and this is an beta build. So we advise to not use this release for production purposes. Anyway any feedback will be much appreciated. Enjoy it!
This is the Standalone matching Standalone 2023.1 Beta 2.

Make sure to use a NVIDIA Studio driver with version at least 456.38 on Windows.
Important: if using macOS, we strongly recommend that you update to version 13.3. Prior to 13.3, there is an OS related issue that causes a render failure consistently if you render for long periods of time.

If you see CUDA errors follow 1,2,3,4.
1- Use NVIDIA STUDIO drivers, not Game Ready versions. If you have stability issues try different drivers, some of them could cause instability issues. Make a clean install while doing this to be sure previous files completely removed.
2- Check GPU frequency. Overclocking would cause instability issues
3- Check PSU. Insufficient power output would cause instability issues
4- Check the free amount of GPU's VRAM and system's RAM while working. Low VRAM will/may cause CUDA errors. Be aware of some generator objects will have different triangle count in Picture Viewer than Live Viewer. It’s like “editor/render” parameter. Just try to use the same value. Also try to optimize your scene for polygon count, even use smaller images. Try to use Octane texture nodes rather than using C4D texture/shaders.
Alternatively, use V4 and Out-of-core(OOC) function. Increase RAM for OOC and It should not exceed physical RAM amount. Check TDR value and increase if it's necessary.
5- If you see C4D crashes without CUDA errors, then send us, screen-shots and video capture to show process and crash moment. Also please send us a sample scene in a format of C4D or ORBX to let us investigate and test it. Alternatively, try to delete/hide some objects/materials until crash gone away. If you find what's causing crashes, send us a sample scene to let us for investigating and bring a fix or solution.
Thanks for helping the development by your feedbacks! It’s impossible to quickly catch every case without user feedbacks! It’s the same procedure as other companies do like Maxon/etc...

2023.1-Beta3-[R4] plugin revisions
  • Fix: Minimum value for Standard Volume
  • Fix: Directlight rotation issue
  • Fix: Volume input in Environment tag
  • New: Added new button in to Environment tag to create an Image Texture under UVW_transform(should be keep on top of hierarchy) that will allow to work rotX/rotY parameters with any setups.
  • Added missing parameter in Emission nodes and Light tag: "Visible on scattering volumes"
  • Addon for PBR texture set import: Opacity/transmission inputs. You need to set the PBR tags by hand or defaults button in the "Settings/Nodes/PBR tags".

2023.1-Beta3-[R3] plugin revisions
  • Fix: added new Output AOV nodes
  • Fix: dispersion coefficient parameter's slider range (2023.1)
  • Fix: Live Viewer refresh issue
  • Fix: Additional update issue after changing materials when used in objects

2023.1-Beta3 plugin revisions
  • Fix: added motion matrix support for line to hair objects
  • Fix: fixed default issues on some Output AOV nodes
  • New LV command to add analytic light with postfx volume and adjust the scene for that
  • Rendering the foreground object in the Picture Viewer
  • Fix: orientation problem on new Octane direct light
  • Fix: closed spline to hair rendering

2023.1-Beta2 plugin revisions
  • Fix: a bug with "C4D light linking" and default values
  • Fix: Enable option for portal material
  • Fix: Some problems with new diffuse BRDF options
  • Fix/improvements for grouping the nodes
  • Slider range for hue of Color Correction nodes
  • Fix: standard surface with material stacking
  • Automatic PBR texture detection and import/connect to materials in Node editor. Plugin will create a set of images if you drop one PBR texture with defined syntax. Even will connect to material if you drop it over to the material. See settings/nodes/PBR_textures option.
  • Added option to disable photon casting from the environment. The environment node types got a new input pin P_CAST_PHOTONS which allows you to enable or disable photons from environment maps. This is true by default, analogous to the importance sampling input for direct light calculations.

WINDOWS STUDIO+ Beta3-[R3] (R15-R2024) ... R4_win.rar

WINDOWS STUDIO+ DEMO Beta3-[R3] (R15-R2024) ... R4_win.rar

Mac OSX Prime Beta3-[R3] (R25-R26/R2023/R2024) ...

WINDOWS STUDIO+ Beta3-[R2] (R19-R2023) ... a2_win.rar

WINDOWS STUDIO+ DEMO Beta3-[R2] (R19-R2023) ... a2_win.rar

Mac OSX Prime Beta3-[R2] (R25-R26/R2023) ...

Please note the macOS build below will only work correctly on macOS 12.3.1 and newer, and only on Apple Silicon.

-You'll need to update your Cinema 4D to latest versions(R16.050, R17.053, R18.057, R19.053, R20.057, R21.115, S22.118, R23.110, R24.111, R25.117, R26.107, R2023.2). Otherwise, the plugin will not work and not appear in menus.
-Internet connection for activation, be sure that C4D and Octane will not be blocked by the firewall and any antivirus software.
-Nvidia drivers at least Nvidia Studio Drivers(minimum 456.38) and be careful with latest Game Ready drivers which can cause cuda errors. Stay with stable one for you.

Use embedded help buttons from Octane nodes and windows
or from link: ... ema4D.html

First, remove all octane related stuff from plugins and the main folder of Cinema4D.

Extract all files to Cinema4D\plugins\c4dOctane directory.
Also, download and extract to c4dOctane directory if it's not available in place.

There are a few files for each one is for different Cinema4D version. Remove all except the file is for your version.
Ex. if you have Cinema4D R2023, keep only "c4dOctane-R2023.xdl64" and delete c4dOctane-R26.xdl64, c4dOctane-R25.xdl64, c4dOctane-R24.xdl64, c4dOctane-R23.xdl64, etc..

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:02 am
by eyeonestudio
2023.1-Beta2 Thank You... :P

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 3:59 pm
by SSmolak
Manipulating in UV doesn't update in OSL node based materials. It needs renderer to restart.

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:10 am
by marcus1070
Im getting an issue with the post volume, it's creating a line at the center on the frame, this only happens when the camera is flat aligned with horizon, so when the camera got 0 angle at P and B rotation values, that line appears.
c4d2023.2.0 3090rtx RTX on
Screenshot 2023-08-21 100551.png

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:34 pm
by aoktar
SSmolak wrote:Manipulating in UV doesn't update in OSL node based materials. It needs renderer to restart.

What is OSL node based materials?

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 9:45 am
by desire
What's going on with Bump channel since 2023 version?
Have made post at "Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta1-[R1] 20.07.2023" thread and just tested 2023.1-Beta2 - the same weird results.
Thank you

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:05 am
by BCres
Great release. Very Stable for me.

One question: Trying to get a beam in my analytic light using a post effect, but it won't show. Fog and glare work but the light beam won't show. Do I have to add a medium somewhere?

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:24 am
by aoktar
desire wrote:Hello!
What's going on with Bump channel since 2023 version?
Have made post at "Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta1-[R1] 20.07.2023" thread and just tested 2023.1-Beta2 - the same weird results.
Thank you

There is a new bump height parameter which affects the appearance. Please share your problem with some picture and example scenes

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:25 pm
by jayroth2020
BCres wrote:Great release. Very Stable for me.

One question: Trying to get a beam in my analytic light using a post effect, but it won't show. Fog and glare work but the light beam won't show. Do I have to add a medium somewhere?

No medium is required. You need to Enable Light Beams in the Post Processing tab Volume Effects turndown of the Octane Camera tag. You also need to Enable Use Analytics in the Octane Light tag > Light Settings tab. In that tab is an additional turn down with options for Spread Angle, Spread Cutout Hardness, Falloff Radius and, most importantly, a checkbox to Use in Post Volume.

You can make the actual light source invisible to the camera using the Octane Light tag > Visibility tab settings, and still see the light beam effect.

Note: in the current build, you are limited to 4 light beams.

Re: Cinema4D version 2023.1-Beta2 18.08.2023

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:03 pm
by BCres
Thank you, Jay! It was that last most important point, the check box to "use in post volume" that I had not selected. Very much appreciate the help.
