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Can I change a maps colour in octane rather than photoshop

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:51 am
by alfabruce
Hi All,

I was wondering if there is an easy way to adjust a maps colour in the octane material editor. Its going to be very labout intensive going back into photoshop, adjusting the colour, saving and rendering to check then wanting to adjust again if for 20 material and trying tweak the right look and lighting.

As an example, if I was modelling a person to look like it was made from cardboard, holding a cardboard briefcase, sitting at a card board table etc etc.

Id like to be able to adjust the colours of the cardboard to give the scene some appeal visually, maybe everything is in blues and purples.

if I load a cardboard RGB image into the diffuse material to make it look like cardboard, can I adjust the colours. I remember being able to do this in 3D max.

I have tried using a mixed material, make a flat blue in one material and then use the cardboard as the other and adjust the slider but if I try to get a really rich blue, then the power of the cardboard image fades away so this isnt really that successful.
half and half cardboard and colour

I can make cardboard looking materials using a nice blue and a bump map but I had a torn cardboard image and wanted to use that but make it blue, is there a way.



Re: Can I change a maps colour in octane rather than photoshop

PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:29 am
by face_off
Hi Tim - try using a Color Correction node. Or you could also try a Multiply node (multiply your texturemap with the color you want it to be).


Re: Can I change a maps colour in octane rather than photoshop

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:53 am
by alfabruce
Thanks Paul, sorry been awy for a bit. ill give it a shot.

