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Surfaces with displacement rendered in the wrong layer

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:44 pm
by hkleton

I do have a scene with multiple objects, and i want to seperate the objects in different layers. Using the render panel in octane this should be a piece of cake.
And, for the most part, it is.

However, I have one object with 3 surfaces (only 1 layer in modeler), two of them having an displacement on them.
The Surface of the object without displacement is being rendered in the layer assigned to it on octane render layers panel.
Both surfaces with the displacement are being rendered in whatever layer they want, but not the one assigned to the object.
When I disconnect the displacement node in the surface, that surface is being rendered in the correct octane layer. Reconnect it , and it's being rendered in the wrong layer.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

Using latest Octane 2018.1.

Best regards,

Re: Surfaces with displacement rendered in the wrong layer

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:40 am
by juanjgon

Do you know if Octane 4.01 has the same problem? It is a weird issue because the layers are defined at the object level. This sounds like a bug to me.


Re: Surfaces with displacement rendered in the wrong layer

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:12 am
by hkleton
Hi Juanjo,

In 4.01 it works as supposed. In 2018.1 not.
So it must clearly be a bug.

Also, the layer mask pass is not being exported somehow using EXR, Aftereffect sees the mask, but cannot make anything of it. Other layers are ok.


Re: Surfaces with displacement rendered in the wrong layer

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:59 am
by juanjgon
Ok. Thanks for checking it. It seems indeed a bug in the new 2018.1 builds. I'll report it to the core devs to fix it in the next build.
