Cinema 4D Cuda error 719 please help

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Cinema 4D Cuda error 719 please help

Postby JedBowden » Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:06 am

JedBowden Tue Oct 31, 2017 2:06 am
Cuda error 719 *octane log at bottom* :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I don't understand even when I have at times been able to render maybe 150 passes of Pathtracing in the scene after it calculates the scene correctly it's still only saying I have only used 800mb out of 12gb... I don't have any image textures in the render scene I have no idea what the problem could be. When I export the scene to standalone I have no problems but I don't know how to navigate myself around the standalone efficiently enough to get work done. I'm trying to avoid as much as possible to upload the scene because I have shitty internet and it would take forever to upload for me but has anyone else had this problem in the past? I have a lot of spline wrapping in the scene and non editable splines/extrusions but I need to keep a lot of them editable. I've also turned down all subdivisions in render to 2 instead of 3.

things I've done to try avoid the problem but haven't worked
- delete all materials in the scene
- delete really high polygon models from scene
- turned one GPU off instead of using 2 ( I have 2x 12gb GTX Titan x )
- delete all light sources from scenes
- used clay mode
- turn all subdivisions down in scene
- downgraded driver to when I wasn't having problems in octane
- both cards temp never go over 70

This problem will occur all the time but sometimes when I delete the floor out of the scene ( I'm using a plane with no subdivisions on it as the floor ) it will render for 150 passes or near that amount but will stop.
when in standalone it will render to whatever pass I tell it to without a problem.


Started logging on 31.10.17 11:50:34

OctaneRender 2.26.1 (2260100)

--------------------------- EXPORT LOG ---------------------------
Export materials time= 1557.686 ms
Collect objects time= 2.162 ms
Mesh creation time = 858.254 ms.
Triangles:4.115m Disp.triangles:0 Hair count:0 Mesh count:232
CUDA error 719 on device 0: An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. The context cannot be used anymore and must be destroyed. All existing device memory allocations from this context are invalid and must be reconstructed.
-> kernel execution failed (pt)
device 0: path tracing failed
<<< Render Failure >>>
VRAM used/free/max:1Mb/11.67Gb/12Gb
Total export Time = 15267.341 ms
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