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Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:30 am
by kubo
radiance wrote:I am thinking that due to the issues 3 days is indeed too short, what say if we prolongue it for some more time, like one week total ?


I think is a good idea, that way more people can create stuff, I'm afraid most (like myself) were pretty tired after the big contest marathon :lol: . Also I would do a secondary thread (or abuse this one ;) ) to discuss and point node specific improvements and whishlist that we have, I, for one, had not realised what type of nodes I wanted added till I seriously tried to make full procedural materials.

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:11 am
by matej
I've re-done the theradplate material, now it's more useful & looks better :)

* materials/non-organic/metal/ Threadplate Rusty v1 b243

The Rust Intensity slide controls how new & clean (0.0) or old & rusty (1.0) it looks.
I've also re-uploaded the camo mat.

Radiance, can you please delete this two entries, they are now obsolete:

* materials/non-organic/metal/ Threadplate Dirty v1 b243
* materials/non-organic/cloth/ Camouflage Generic v2

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:22 pm
by kubo
I'm having a little problem, I've thought of a way to add more randomness to the vein direction and have control over it, again since we don't have tile procedurals (I won't get tired of asking this, wink, wink wink) I did some extra maps for masking purpouses and added some transform pins to my vein texture. It works great, but the tree that controls the color channel doesn't work as expected. If I connect the multiply node that control wood color to the mix that gives control over the indentures color, the result is a white color. It shouldn't be. If I overpass that last mix all works. I looks good althou I've lost the chance to control the indenture. Any ideas? is there a maximun node stack value? if so If I did the mix in a macro texture would it help?
I haven't uploaded v0.3 till I figure this out.

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:58 pm
radiance wrote: wrote:I have some problem with material upload. I can't do it...
What I do wrong? When trying to save materials in the Live DB, I can only choose to save the file. Octane 2.43 win7 64th Does this mean that the contest is already closed? Again, I did not sleep for nothing ... I wrote down all the material in the files ocm. Can I send in this form? If so at what address?

You need to create a material macro, you can only upload material macros to the lived, not materials.
Create a material macro, open it and create your material inside, then connect it to the macro output, then upload the macro...


Thanks Radiance. Sorry for stupid questions ...

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:16 pm
by matej
@kubo, maybe you need to invert the texture that controls the mix in the incriminating node? It's hard to tell just by looking at the picture of a node system (I get confused even by my own :D).

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:24 pm
by kubo
matej wrote:@kubo, maybe you need to invert the texture that controls the mix in the incriminating node? It's hard to tell just by looking at the picture of a node system (I get confused even by my own :D).

Yeap, me too. But no, the mix goes like this, a b&w image with the board tile is the mask the first mix color is an input pin that controls the color of the indenture (actually almost black) the second mix color is the wood color, which is the multiply that works fine, but when I connect it it just gives a white color. Before I added the extra randomness it worked fine, after that it stoped working, that's why I'm guessing there must be some stack limit.

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:17 pm
by matej
kubo wrote:that's why I'm guessing there must be some stack limit.

You are right. On the seventh mix node, the texture goes white. You have 5 levels in the material + those in the texture macro. You'll need to reroute the system so that the tree structure is max 6 levels deep. Another thing to write down for a feature request.
EDIT: This limitation (bug?) affects all the mappings - invert, clamp.. not only mix & multiply.

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:37 pm
by kubo
thanks, now I'll try to work around that.
Well thanks to Matej I've found a way to reroute the color tree and keep all variables as I wanted, indenture color is more subtle than before but I think that looks better.
Besides some minor tweak the main thing is that I've added the board randomness in a way. For now I'll wait till we have some more nodes like global scale control, and random tiles and float texture gets fiexed to get lower values so I can add control to roughness and such so I can convert it to fully procedural. I have to say that I'm pleased with the results, and even thou I might need to tweak it further it looks close to what I had in my head (which is a lot).
Cheers, now for the next material.
The test were done with another presets, some type of presets upload would be cool, someone allready suggested it, that way people could get not only one but several materials at the same time and upload the presets they liked more.

Re: Surprise 3-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:27 pm
by Dan
materials/non-organic/metal/Old Bronze Screen

Here's a fully procedural material for an old fashioned bronze window screen with verdigris patina
(uploaded twice by accident - first one can be deleted)

Re: Surprise 10-day bonus material competition (OPEN)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:24 am
by radiance
Hi all,

I've extended the competition till wednesday, good luck :)
