OctaneRender™ for Blender 2024.1.Alpha.2 - 29.0 [TEST]

Forums: OctaneRender™ for Blender 2024.1.Alpha.2 - 29.0 [TEST]
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OctaneRender™ for Blender 2024.1.Alpha.2 - 29.0 [TEST]

Postby azen » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:59 am

azen Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:59 am
OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Windows, and Linux versions. The download links, provided on this page, are for Studio+ License Holders

This is a TEST version, so be prepared to have some issues. Do not use it for production.


  • Upgrade to 2024.1.Alpha.2
  • Add new blend output AOV layer node "Texture". This allows you to use any texture (including OSL textures) in the compositor.
  • Add new texture node "Output AOV parameter" which allows you to access output AOVs in textures. If used outside of the compositor, it produces black.
  • Add support for the Intel Open Image Denoiser to the Camera imager node and as an output AOV layer.
  • Add 2 new visible beauty render AOVs which are used by the denoisers, but can also be used in the compositor as inputs for the Open image denoise output AOV layer: Denoise albedo AOV and Denoise normal AOV
  • Add a new "Apply LUT" layer for the "Composite texture".
  • Add a new "Apply custom curve" layer for the "Composite texture".
  • Add option "Direct light rays" to the kernel nodes that trace paths. This option determines how many light samples we calculate for the first high-roughness / diffuse bounce. Calculating more light samples can reduce noise, when many light sources are used and the direct light contribution is significant.
  • Add new pin "Volume padding" to all medium nodes to expand the bounding box of a volume, if the "Sample position displacement" input is connected. This is useful if you are using sample position displacement, which can cause the displaced volume to go out of bounds.
  • Add new node "Frame index" (under "Values" -> "Utilities") which allows you to fetch the frame index of the current project time plus an offset and use it for other operations.
  • Add option "Round edges visibility" which gives control over whether the object layer geometry is visible to the rounded edges calculation.
  • Add new Light mixer output AOV layer node. This has the same functionality as the old Light mixer output AOV node, which is now hidden.
  • Make the Legacy output AOV layer node visible to allow output AOVs of older scenes to be used as layers in the new output AOV node.
  • Add the following new output AOV layer nodes, which can be used to store an image during compositing and recall it in a higher layer and make it easier to build reusable effects, and can improve performance by preventing repeated work:
  • Add new Sharpen output AOV layer node.
  • Support two new passes(denoise albedo and denoise normal) in the classic render passes


  • Implement movable sockets in the Mask With Layer Group nodes
  • Implement image file node
  • Fix the problem that property with default value may not be saved in the .blend
  • Use the Blender node menu for the Blender's Compositor and Geometry node tree editors
  • Minor Bug fixes

HOTFIXES - 16/01

  • Fixed an issue when setting "Denoise Type"

You can read about new features of OctaneRender™ 2024.1.Alpha.2 here:

The installation consists from two parts:
1. OctaneRender™ Server
2. Blender - OctaneRender™ edition

After starting OctaneServer it will take some time before the LiveDB tree and LiveDB material previews will be available from Blender - as OctaneServer caches the LiveDB data from remote server right after starting. But only the materials groups tree will be re-cached every time after server start, LiveDB material preview images will be cached only once - so only the very first OctaneServer start will need some more time before LiveDB tree will be available in Blender.
After the server is run - you can start rendering (or open a rendered view) from inside Blender.


DOWNLOAD (both distributives must be reinstalled, they depend on each other)

Blender Octane Edition - 29.0 (4.0)
Octane Server - Studio+ Edition - 29.0.1


- Just run the installer to see its command line keys.;)
- If you need to run OctaneServer - run it as daemon:
Code: Select all
$ OctaneServer &


Blender Octane Edition - 29.0 (4.0)
Octane Server - Studio+ Edition - 29.0.1

OSX (Metal)

This is based on the Prime Edition for now. Full Studio+ versions for MacOS are still pending


Blender Octane Edition - 29.0 (4.0)
Octane Server - Prime Edition - 29.0.1

Please note, in regards to Bug Reporting:

- Bug Reports in this section refer to plugin-specific bugs only. Bugs originating from the Octane Standalone should be reported to the Standalone Forum section instead

- For faster troubleshooting, please provide as much information as possible. Please include:
  • Your Hardware specifications (unless they are included in your signature)
  • A clear description of the issue you have found
  • Steps that you took to trigger this bug, so that we can reproduce it (ideally, please also provide screenshots. If possible, files for testing would also be appreciated).
  • Whenever possible, please confirm that this issue is only happening in the plugin, and not also in the Standalone Edition (if the bug occurs in both, it is likely that this issue should be reported in the OctaneRender Standalone section of the Forums).

- Please bear in mind - we are primarily an English-Language Forum. Please do not take offense if we request further clarification due to language differences.
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Posts: 762
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:06 pm

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