OctaneRender™ for Blender 4.00 - 16.3 [OBSOLETE]

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OctaneRender™ for Blender 4.00 - 16.3 [OBSOLETE]

Postby azen » Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:32 pm

azen Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:32 pm
OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Windows, Linux and OSX versions. The download links provided are for Perpetual License Holders.

License upgrade
Unless you have a subscription license, you will have to upgrade your version 3 licenses to version 4. This upgrade is free and can be done via these 4 steps:

To use this version, you need a GPU of compute model 3.0 or higher. Support for Fermi GPUs (like GTX 4xx and 5xx) has been dropped. Also make sure you use a driver of version 387 or higher and if you are working on Mac OS that have a CUDA driver installed that supports at least CUDA 9.1.


  • Update to 4.00 Stable SDK
  • Support clay mode
  • Support to show octane device settings


  • Only show AI strength light under direct lighting kernel
  • Attempts to fix probabilistic black frame issue
  • Log environment object information for hunting probabilistic render issue(run blender with debug mode from command line "./blender -d" to enable it)

This version matches OctaneRender Standalone 4.00. To learn more about the new features and improvements of OctaneRender 4, please check out our blog post.

The installation consists from two parts:
1. OctaneRender™ Server
2. Blender - OctaneRender™ edition.

After starting OctaneServer it will take some time before the LiveDB tree and LiveDB material previews will be available from Blender - as OctaneServer caches the LiveDB data from remote server right after starting. But only the materials groups tree will be re-cached every time after server start, LiveDB material preview images will be cached only once - so only the very first OctaneServer start will need some more time before LiveDB tree will be available in Blender.
After the server is run - you can start rendering (or open a rendered view) from inside Blender.


DOWNLOAD (both distributives must be reinstalled, they depend on each other)

Blender Octane Edition - 16.3 (2.79)
Octane Server - 16.3


- Just run the installer to see its command line keys.;)
- If you need to run OctaneServer - run it as daemon:
Code: Select all
$ OctaneServer &


Blender Octane Edition - v16.3 Linux


- Just run autoinstaller file.
- Or, if you know what you are doing, you can use the ZIP archive to copy .app files manually.


Autoinstaller: Blender Octane Edition - v16.3 OSX Autoinstaller
ZIP archive: Blender Octane Edition - v16.3 OSX ZIP
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OctaneRender Team
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:06 pm

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