Rendering Loop in octane of random field in random effector

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Rendering Loop in octane of random field in random effector

Postby shiwabiwa » Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:18 pm

shiwabiwa Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:18 pm

I would highly appreciate anyone's help on this.

I have this video in Loop -

Where you can see in minute 00:29, the loop jumps. it happens everytime the loop closes(every 900 frames = 29 seconds). Please I just need to set these strings to rotate randomly and close the loop.

It is rendered in octane, and when I do test with the cinema render, the movement is fine, and it looks like the lighting is jumping in octane. But from many other tests I did, it looks like maybe its the loop itself, becuase the light of this scene is only an HDRI environment which doesn't have any animation.

Please, I really need help as it its for a big project.

If you have maybe another solution to create the same effect that can close the loop I will be thankful forever!


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