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TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:08 am
by neonZorglub
An updated tutorial is available here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=74783
See the latest OctaneRender® for 3ds max® v2020.1 - 10.10: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=74782

Octane plugin supports Tyflow particle instances and most of Tyflow's meshes directly.

--- Particles:
To use the particle instances mode, the tyFlow object need to have his 'Interface / Particle ' option enabled.
The particle object may not have a suitable mesh by default set in the tyFlow's editor (eg 2d / sprite mode).
In this case, a simple helper sphere can be created by Octane. (option in Support/Tyflow Rollup)
To customize the particle's geometry, you can add a 'Shape' in Tyflow's editor, set as a 3D mesh or a reference node.

The material used by each particle group can be assigned with material IDs, from a Multi material applied to the main tyFlow node.
Each of the sub material should be set as an Octane Material.

It is possible to set and use IDs to individual particles, to customize the particle material per particle:
Set Support / Tyflow / TyFlow particle IDs to 'Birth unique ID'
This can be used for example by the 'Instance range' texture.
see tf_sandTeapot_ParticleIDs.max sample bellow

--- Motion Blur ---
Motion blur works as for other objects: In Octane object properties enable 'Object motion blur' for object with particles,
and 'Vertex motion blur' for objects generating an animated mesh.
see tf_sandTeapot_MotionBlur.max sample bellow

--- Octane modifier ---
Note that the Render setup / Support / Tyflow settings are global for all tyFlow objects of the scene.
But it's possible to override them for each object, with an Octane Geometry modifier.
The octane modifier has the same options (except the 'create sphere', as it is intended to be a visual helper until a proper mesh is setup).

--- TyMesher ---
When tyFlow generate very dynamic mesh, with many different parts, the particle instance mode should be avoided !
In those cases, the standard mesh obtained from the object can be empty, so the addition of a TyMesher object is needed.
Once added and the original tyFlow object set as input, the tyFlow object should be hidden.
See sample tf_clusters_tyMesher.max bellow
Note that tyMesher can also be used instead of particles, but this would result in reduced

--- mix of particles and mesh ---
In some case, tyFlow object generate both particles and a different mesh.
This can be rendered by using the octane option 'Use particle node's mesh'
See sample bellow : tf_deformingFracture_Oct.max
Note that for simple particle nodes, this option should be disabled to avoid having a duplicated mesh.

-Make sure Support/'Use Direct geometry handler' is enabled.
-In case of issue, try Octane global preferences, menu Preset/Reset default settings, and reload the max file.

--- samples ---
max files
(385.84 KiB) Downloaded 450 times

Based on the sample tyFlow_scenes_012/Grains/tyFlow_sandCastle_001.max

based on the sample tyFlow_scenes_012/Actors/tyFlow_worms_001.max

based on the sample tyFlow_scenes_012/Fracturing/tyFlow_clusters_001.max

based on the sample tyFlow_scenes_012/Fracturing/tyFlow_deformingFracture_001.max

--- tutorial videos ----

[ Play Quicktime file ] TyflowParticleRendering.mp4 [ 24.09 MiB | Viewed 9389 times ]


--- some step by step instructions, for other samples ---
* tyFlow_scenes_012/Splines/tyFlow_electricArc_001.max
- set Octane as renderer

* tyFlow_scenes_012/Misc/tyFlow_retime_001.max
- set Octane as renderer
- create a tyMesher
- pick tyFlow001
- change mode from 'Blobmesh' to 'Input Geometry'

* tyFlow_scenes_012/Misc/tyFlow_upres_001.max
- set Octane as renderer
- select object tyFlow_hires, open Modify panel
- choose 'Interfaces' / Enable Particle Interface

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:26 pm
by ramone163
Can we see support Tyflow in Octane v4?

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:22 pm
by neonZorglub
ramone163 wrote:Can we see support Tyflow in Octane v4?

Hi Ramone763,
Yes, I should update other versions shortly.

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 11:56 am
by HHbomb
Hi, NeonZ. You don't need to use mesher, you can use Mesh node, with "triangle Mesh" and Render Only uncheked. ( I think )

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:02 pm
by javierluisbravo

amazing! Since which version is Tyflow properly supported...?

as i installed 2019.1.4 8.13 and movable proxys enabled objects where having issues of not following animations in the octane viewport.. so i had to roll back to
2018.1.2 7.06...


Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:11 pm
by paride4331
Hi javierluisbravo,
Tyflow support since v2019.1.5 - 8.14 and v2018.1.3 - 7.15

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:52 pm
by Ebo
Hi, can I have the demo version of Octane with support for TyFlow?

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:43 am
by paride4331
Ebo wrote:Hi, can I have the demo version of Octane with support for TyFlow?

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:13 pm
by neonZorglub
The version 2020.2.1-11.07 now support tyFlow particle age (update for other versions is coming shortly)

Here is a sample and details for the setup:
-Add an Octane Geometry Properties modifier to the tyFlow object (eg tyFlow001)
-In the tyFlow object rollup, set Particle UID mode to 'Age'
This will set the user ID of each particle using their tyflow age (as get from maxscript with [obj].getParticleAge {index} or [obj].getAllParticleAges())
-This ID can then be used by a texture of the material assigned to the tyFlow object
For this example, an Instance Range texture is used as an input of a gradient texture.
The Maximum ID is set to the length of the animation, in frame count (300)
The new born particles will be red, and as their age increase, they will change to green, up to the dark blue at the end of the gradient.
(51.29 KiB) Downloaded 205 times

Re: TyFlow samples and tutorials

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:24 am
by HHbomb
Thank you very much for your file and your explanations.
You add particle UID mode "Age". Could it be possible to add Custom properties instead ?
I mean in tyflow we can set custom properties to particles via channel names.
It would be far more powerfull to map particle with its particle data not just age. (see pict)