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Re: 3DS Max and Render the Metaverse

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:45 pm
by kamil
A few Questions
1. What software to previev 3d 360 stereo panoramas on PC wihout dk2(sold it yesterday)
i know that it would be hard to forsee if the depth is correct but at least see if the straches are made well.
2. in max I have 1 octane camera. I have chosen spherical, and stereo side by side. and change in render seting for octane rander.. what is the corect workflow of getting panorama done? do i need 6 octane cameras in the scene and randering them separately then stiching them in some other software?? any tutorial of the workflow?

Re: 3DS Max and Render the Metaverse

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 3:13 am
by z_farm
Awesome! got it!.

Re: 3DS Max and Render the Metaverse

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2015 8:19 am
by therealjustlike
This was posted a few days ago..
Not sure how you can view these without gearVR.

Post by FooZe ยป Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:59 am

Here are the steps:
1) Set the camera to panoramic
2) Set the projection to cube map
3) Enable side-by-side stereo
4) Set the resolution to Virtual reality -> GearVR stereo cube map (18432 x 1536).
5) Save as 8bpc PNG
6) Put your phone into the gearvr and wait for the oculus app to start.
7) Find and install the ORBX media player (start it and download the samples if you want to).
8) Close the app and put your PNG into /phone/ORBX/media/