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Solo Node

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2023 10:09 am
by ShivaMist

I think it is time for Octane to have proper support to visualize any node.

Here are the different implementations and limitations (that i know of) in the plugins at the moment :

C4D : Native in the node editor, does not support Displacement, requires a refresh of the buffer, the more complex the scene the more time you wait for the refresh. The displayed AOV is DiffuseFilter if i'm not mistaken

Houdini : Python script that you can find on internet, it is tedious to install and works in the same way as the solo node in C4D with a shortcut :
Houdini 2 :
EyasArraf wrote:Actually there is a way for this.
Here are the steps:
1- Use the "Capture to Custom" inside Octane Material Builder network.
2- Plug the input texture you want to SOLO to that node and select which Custom AOV# you want to use.
3- Enable the Custom AOV# in the "Render Target" node.
4- From the IPR "AOVs" menu select the Custom AOV#

*It's a bit harder than Cinema4D but it does the job until someone makes a faster solution.

All in all, this feature has always been placed into the plugin's dev shoulders, instead, an efficient and robust solo mode that handles all kinds of objects (Displacement, Vectron, VDB, etc) should be created so it can be implemented into all the plugins.