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Re: Cinema4D version 2020.2.5-R3 (Latest stable) 16.09.2021

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:36 pm
by Delizade

1) add a material(reference material) and use a RGB Spectrum note do it then link it to the Diffuse channel. (Lock its property window)
2) add second material(main material). add a RefShader and drag source material's RGB Spectrum link to its link value.
3) assign main material to an object, run Live Viewer
4) change source material's RGB color node value.

Live viewer is not updated. User has to refresh it to see ref shader's updated value.

Re: Cinema4D version 2020.2.5-R3 (Latest stable) 16.09.2021

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:02 am
by feels
Using Render As Hair option in the Object tag on an XpTrail object crashes C4D instantly. Running the latest updates on R23 and XP.

Edit: narrowed down what's crashing it. Changing any of the parameters from the default under the Spline section on the XpTrail option will cause an immediate crash.

Re: Cinema4D version 2020.2.5-R3 (Obsolete stable) 16.09.2021

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 7:49 pm
by Weirdpictures
Hi Ahmet,

I know its an old release and maybe something too much to ask, but is there a chance that you could add R2023 build to this version? This is teh last version we got downgraded to after the whole subscription model started and we would love to use the 2020 version with our latest cinema build.

But if it is too much to ask i understand and we can downgrade our cinema build to last supported version R25.


aoktar wrote:Hi all,
This is the latest stable build based on stable 2020.2.5 SDK. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Enjoy it!

Make sure to use a NVIDIA Studio driver with version at least 456.38 on Windows. No driver updates are required for macOS 10.13 (CUDA).

This version supports the new NVIDIA Ampere architecture on Windows and Linux. Kepler cards with compute model lower than 3.5 are just supported on macOS.

For CORE improvements please check the following Standalone link.
This is the matching Standalone: OctaneRender™ 2020.2.5.

changes of 2020.2.5-R3 plugin
- R25 builds has been added

changes of 2020.2.5-R2 plugin
- Fix: accept the disabling effectors in scatter object and small update for drawing performance
- Fix: functionless "Include object node" parameter of DIRT node
- Fix: removed the Curvature node from list because that was wrongly added
- multi objects for C4D scatter pen
- Added silentmode activation for commandline.exe and -nogui parameters. It's mostly for avoiding the activation warning dialog with batch rendering

changes of 2020.2.5 plugin
- Fix: wrong direction for Octane lights when "use primitives=ON" with other shapes else of "sphere" and "rectangle"
- fix for "cycle" parameter with C4D gradient under OSL mode

Core fixes which may affects the plugins
  • Fixed issue causing some textures to be interpreted differently when using out-of-core.
  • Fixed SSS pass which was causing a difference between the main pass and the denoiser output passes.
  • Fixed issue with scenes with render layers and alpha channel enabled causing incorrect denoiser output.
  • Fixed universal camera diopter rotation to be interpreted as degrees instead of 0-1. (viewtopic.php?f=24&t=77888&p=402830#p402830)
  • Fixed broken rotation for 2D transforms.
  • Fixed an issue causing a freeze when disabling RTX while tone-mapping was happening.

If you see CUDA errors follow 1,2,3,4.
1- Use NVIDIA STUDIO drivers, not Game Ready versions. If you have stability issues try different drivers, some of them could cause instability issues. Make a clean install while doing this to be sure previous files completely removed.
2- Check GPU frequency. Overclocking would cause instability issues
3- Check PSU. Insufficient power output would cause instability issues
4- Check the free amount of GPU's VRAM and system's RAM while working. Low VRAM will/may cause CUDA errors. Be aware of some generator objects will have different triangle count in Picture Viewer than Live Viewer. It’s like “editor/render” parameter. Just try to use the same value. Also try to optimize your scene for polygon count, even use smaller images. Try to use Octane texture nodes rather than using C4D texture/shaders.
Alternatively, use V4 and Out-of-core(OOC) function. Increase RAM for OOC and It should not exceed physical RAM amount. Check TDR value and increase if it's necessary.
5- If you see C4D crashes without CUDA errors, then send us, screen-shots and video capture to show process and crash moment. Also please send us a sample scene in a format of C4D or ORBX to let us investigate and test it. Alternatively, try to delete/hide some objects/materials until crash gone away. If you find what's causing crashes, send us a sample scene to let us for investigating and bring a fix or solution.
Thanks for helping the development by your feedbacks! It’s impossible to quickly catch every case without user feedbacks! It’s the same procedure as other companies do like Maxon/etc...

WINDOWS ENTERPRISE BUILD (R15-25) ... R3-win.rar

WINDOWS SUBSCRIPTION(Studio) BUILD (R15-25) ... R3-win.rar



DEMO WINDOWS: ... R2-win.rar

-You'll need to update your Cinema 4D to latest versions(R16.050, R17.053, R18.057, R19.053, R20.057, R21.115, S22.118, R23.110). Otherwise, the plugin will not work and not appear in menus.
-Internet connection for activation, be sure that C4D and Octane will not be blocked by the firewall and any antivirus software.
-Nvidia drivers at least Nvidia Studio Drivers(minimum 456.38) and be careful with latest Game Ready drivers which can cause cuda errors. Stay with stable one for you.
-Cuda 9.1 driver for OSX.

Use embedded help buttons from Octane nodes and windows

To use OFFLINE version of manual from plugin
Download following package and extract to Cinema4D/plugins/c4doctane/manual ...

V3 SAMPLE SCENES SET(make a request if you need any specific sample) ... scenes.rar

See this topic for some partial samples: viewtopic.php?f=85&t=53989

CINEMA 4D TUTORIALS SECTION: viewforum.php?f=87


First, remove all octane related stuff from plugins and the main folder of Cinema4D.

Extract all files to Cinema4D\plugins\c4dOctane directory.
Also, download and extract to c4dOctane directory if it's not available in place.

There are a few files for each one is for different Cinema4D version. Remove all except the file is for your version.
Ex. if you have Cinema4D R18.0, keep only "c4dOctane-r18.cdl64" and delete c4dOctane-r17.cdl64, c4dOctane-r16.cdl64, c4dOctane-r15.cdl64, etc..

Cinema 4D Release 15: c4dOctane-r15.cdl64 or c4doctane_R15_demo.dylib
Cinema 4D Release 16: c4dOctane-r16.cdl64 or c4doctane_R16_demo.dylib
Cinema 4D Release 17: c4dOctane-r17.cdl64 or c4doctane_R17_demo.dylib
Cinema 4D Release 18: c4dOctane-r18.cdl64 or c4doctane_R18_demo.dylib
Cinema 4D Release 19: c4dOctane-r19.cdl64 or c4doctane_R19_demo.dylib
Cinema 4D Release 20: c4dOctane-r20.xdl64 or c4doctane_R20_demo.xlib
Cinema 4D Release 21: c4dOctane-r21.xdl64 or c4doctane_R21_demo.xlib