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Re: Timeouts connecting to AMI via

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:52 am
by Goldorak
Update - Amazon will be switching over the online documents to HTML in the next few days.

There have been thousands of hours of connection streams successfully working off the AMIs since launch a few weeks ago, and we're reasonably certain the GUID issues are not blocking anyone as long as long as the online setup directions are carefully followed. We are no longer doing manual GUID removal, as it should not be needed with a properly set up AMI.

That being said, please continue to reach out to Jax on these forums or PM for any GUID or auth related questions or issues. He can follow up wih direct support if necessary during PST business hours Monday to Friday.

Re: Timeouts connecting to AMI via

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:41 pm
by slash
I've had the same problems with the timing out of the session. I'm using a GUID I provided.

To resolve the issue I had to use the Public DNS name provided by Amazon in the url to get it to work. It seems backwards to me but after that change I can use either the DNS or IP to connect. Both in Firefox and Chrome.

Re: Timeouts connecting to AMI via

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:24 pm
by slash
I did a little more testing and switching between the IP and the Public DNS name seems to work although I'm not certain why. When the initial connection fails just use the other version.



Whatever the bug actually is, switching between the two seems to allow me to enter. If I keep trying the same string after the timeout error I never get in but once I use the other string I get in.

Sorry if this is confusing but I'm finding it difficult to explain at the moment. Basically, if the Public DNS name fails try the IP and vice versa.

Re: Timeouts connecting to AMI via

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:15 am
by Jahmad6615
I am unable to connect using my web browser (I have disabled Norton but no luck). However I can RDP to the AWS instance and use the web browser on that workstation to open a web session. Can anyone explain to me how what may be causing the problem? Thanks