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Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:43 am
by JNDesign
Hi PAul

I am trying to save camera positions for different views with in the pluging.

At the moment I save render target and then export render target.

This method doesn't work when I try to import back my camera positions

Is there a way to save camera locations?

If yes then am I doing something wrong?


Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:47 am
by face_off
I am not clear on the exact process you are using. Can you provide some more detail and screenshots pls?


Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:50 am
by JNDesign
Hi Paul

on the road at the moment but

I export render target from the plugin using render target export option.

Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:32 am
by JNDesign
come to think of it..

you have an option under the render target in the plugin which is called "copy camera to clipboard"

Can we get another option which would be 'export Camera location from clipboard"


Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:11 am
by face_off
If you can provide screenshots of the problem you are having, I can try to help you.


Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:55 am
by JNDesign
Here you go

to clarify

What I was hoping for was to walk around in octane plugin and snap views, export the camera locations and when needed import those positions for say a re render

Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:30 pm
by face_off
The "Export Rendertarget Settings" saves in a format that is not recognised by Octane Standalone, and does not normally save the camera position (although I /may/ if you have viewport navigation enabled) - so try that. But I think the easiest solution is to add views in Revit for each camera position you want to render.


Re: Saving Camera positions

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:33 am
by JNDesign
thanks Paul

another workaround is
copy camera to clipboard
from clipboard paste to txt document
when needed
copy from txt doc to clipboard
paste from clip to camera

works for me

I find walking around plug in lot easier