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Displacement Grass examples (needed)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:46 pm
by prehabitat
Hi Reviteers

Anyone had any luck with good displacement grass from Revit?
particularly someone using the standard revit materials as a base...

a screendump of 'working' settings (Revit material w/ displacement node showing in plugin window) and result viewport visible would be great if someone has time!

I tried thismorning (didn't have wifi so didn't check the DB) and was experimenting with noise, dirt texture... neither seemed to work at any power/height.
Do you need noise map/image to handle the displacement to get it to work?

Re: Displacement Grass examples (needed)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:15 am
by face_off
Check out Also, check the Octane Notes link in my signature for some info on displacement mapping.


Re: Displacement Grass examples (needed)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:20 am
by prehabitat
Will do, Thanks Paul (Sorry for the caps)

I downloaded the examples and your blog text before I left yesterday (in a hurry obviously! :P)

Had a bit of a look/Play with the example scene and ended up with power around .17 and in the example scene I had the seamless grass 1600x1600 at 0.1 scale (default in that scene) and the displacement 720x720 (?) at .2 (default was 0.05 iirc)... I want a courser grass.

Next I'll play around with colour and less consistency in the displacement (clumpier) ...

Thanks for the pointer in the right direction! :D