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Blender Octane glass gradient

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:11 pm
by lovisdesigndao
I am relatively new to Blender Octane and would like to add a gradient to my glass. What is the best way to achieve this with a 'specular material'?

In the first image, you can see the scene on the left, including lights and objects, with the glass in the middle and the nodes for the lights I'm using on the right.

In the second image, you can view the notes related to the glass and my attempt to apply a gradient effect using a gradient map to the specular material, but so far without success.

In the third image, you can see what I aim to achieve: a mix of the two pictures, ideally animated.

Are there other approaches?
I appreciate any help




Re: Blender Octane glass gradient

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:12 pm
by Grinpix
Hey there! I’m also diving into Blender Octane. Although I’m not yet a master ;) but I’m practicing at animation studio and have few colleagues, who are real profs. Perchance, I’d help you. Just the matter is that I can’t open your images. I see only small icons. Guess, you should make sure you've got the right material assigned to your glass and look for the specular settings in your material. There's usually something like "Specular Level" and "Specular Roughness" hanging around. Crank up the Specular Level to boost reflections, and play with the Roughness to control how sharp those reflections are. I’d be happy try and solution, if your question is still actual…Please share the images of your scenes in a viewable format.