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How do I remove this grain/noise from my render?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:47 pm
by lennynn
I need help removing grain from this render. it will be a video render so no still image. I dont have a lot of knowledge about octane. Its on direct lighting with 400 samples, i know that isnt a lot but based out of previous experience 400 samples shouldnt look like this.


Re: How do I remove this grain/noise from my render?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:16 am
by Gregor.Zimmermann
Hi lennynn,

it's hard to tell without a scene file to be honest.
How do you actually light your scene? Is it only emission based lighting?


Re: How do I remove this grain/noise from my render?

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2019 10:54 pm
by simowlabrim
that's right, it's hard to tell that. you have to check several attributes to be sure your scene will be clear... I will start by turning off all the lights in the scene and turn them on one by one until you found the one that is causing the issue.
if the issue continues to exist, make sure you are rendering just with the pathtracing engine in the kernel setting and not PMC, Pathtracing is good enough for this one.
increasing a bit the simples and waiting a bit your scene will be clear soon, if you are using Materials Emission to light with those geometries in the floor and the windows you surely get some noise,
if you have no physical light try to make some to fake a bit that light coming from the Emission and reduce the Emission a bit.
if you continue to have issues, please Upload the scene so we can help you better.