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Re: Photogrammetry with captured roughness/reflection

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:09 pm
by itsallgoode9
how does one capture roughness maps with lighting? I know how to do reflection already but cannot figure out (or even find online methods via research) of how to do roughness.

Re: Photogrammetry with captured roughness/reflection

PostPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 6:22 pm
by Hesekiel2517
I don't know a "correct" way of capturing roughness. I just capture the reflection and take this as an starting point to make a roughness map.

Re: Photogrammetry with captured roughness/reflection

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:43 pm
by itsallgoode9
ah, gotcha. that's what I've been doing as well--which works well enough with some tweaking. I thought you were specifically capturing roughness, like you would spec or something :lol: