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Mograph Shader Gradient on Cloner - IN OCTANE

PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:43 pm
by Tibi_1
Hi community,

First of all, apologies if my query had been answered previously in a different post, I used the search tool and found a few topics here and there but not quite related to my question.

I'm looking to achieve a basic gradient shader over some cloned objects (glass cubes), which under the C4D native shaders it's pretty intuitive.


For the example above, I used a Step Effector with the colour mode set to Effector Colour (No fields) > in the Material Editor under the Transparency channel, in the Texture tab I used a Mograph Colour Shader and then a Coloriser.


I am looking to achieve the exact same effect in Octane. Obviously, I already tried a few options like the Mograph Shader Node plugged into the Transmission channel, but nothing worked and I can't get my head around the nodes hierarchy for this setup. Any tips (Screenshots) would be much appreciated.

P.S. Please mind I'm not an Octane advanced user.

Thank you.

Re: Mograph Shader Gradient on Cloner - IN OCTANE

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:19 am
by bepeg4d
first of all, you need to set the MoGraph Cloner to Render Instance mode.
Then set the Step effector color mode to Effector Color.
Then use the Octane Instance Color node, and drag and drop the MoGraph Cloner in the Color Source field.
Finally use an Octane Gradient mapping node to assign the desired gradient colors:

Here is the scene:
(98.01 KiB) Downloaded 137 times


Re: Mograph Shader Gradient on Cloner - IN OCTANE

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:58 pm
by Tibi_1
Hi Beppe!

Thank you for picking this up and taking time to create the scene file. I had it figured out right after I submitted the post. It seems like my Octane was acting up, oddly it worked after I copied everything onto a new scene. :?

However, my setup worked this time by using the MgColourShader node and gave pretty much the same result. I have looked at your setup as well and it also makes sense, are there any significant differences in using the InstanceColour node vs MgColourShader ?

Also, at a first glance - i switched between Instance > Render Instance > Multi-Instance and realised nothing really changed (in terms of colour distribution I guess). Perhaps it makes a difference in more complex setups.

Nonetheless, it worked! Thanks. 8-)
