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New Octane = Slower Octane? (Poser 11 vs 12)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:23 pm
by Petec
So, I am noticing that files I created in Poser 11 and rendered on the older Octane seem to render A LOT slower in the new Octane running off Poser 12. It takes several times longer to reach the same samples per pixel level with the same scene and settings, at least so far as the path tracing kernel is concerned.

I don't know if anyone else has this issue, or if there is some setting I need to check? I recall it being mentioned that sunlight and volumes are handled differently, so that could be an issue (sunlight at least).

I still have some testing to do (update to most current drivers, start and render a scene in Poser 12 only), but at this stage I was curious if anyone else was running into the same issue, or if there's something I am missing.

For the moment I am just rendering out Poser 11 scenes in Poser 11, but I would prefer to bring my existing files into Poser 12 if I can.

Re: New Octane = Slower Octane? (Poser 11 vs 12)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:05 am
by face_off
Hi - this is not an issue I have encountered. I would suggest having a reference scene and posting the samples per second for each - and then export the scene to ORBX and render in the same versions of Octane as the plugin, and see if you get similar samples per second.


Re: New Octane = Slower Octane? (Poser 11 vs 12)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:00 am
by Petec
face_off wrote:Hi - this is not an issue I have encountered. I would suggest having a reference scene and posting the samples per second for each - and then export the scene to ORBX and render in the same versions of Octane as the plugin, and see if you get similar samples per second.


I am not sure what a reference scene is specifically but I updated my drivers, loaded up a random set I had in my runtime and gave it a shot, running the sample per pixel count up to 450 or so. After some settings trial and error the culprit appears to be linked to RTX acceleration, of all things. While in Poser11 (Octane 2020.1.5) it tends to give me a 30% speed boost, in Poser 12 (Octane 2022.1.0.117) or Octane Stand Alone (Version 2021.1.6) using RTX acceleration actually slows things down by about 300%

In terms of hardware I have a 3080 (render only) and a 2080 (render and display). I was rendering on the 3080 but in Poser 11 I need to add the 2080 for the denoiser and imager.

Poser 11:
With RTX acceleration: 9 seconds with 40 MegaSamples per second
Without RTX acceleration: 14 seconds with 30 MegaSamples per second

Poser 12:
With RTX acceleration: 55 seconds with 8 MegaSamples per second
Without RTX acceleration: 18 seconds with 25 MegaSamples per second

Octane Standalone:
With RTX acceleration: 52 seconds with 9 MegaSamples per second
Without RTX acceleration: 15 seconds with 30 MegaSamples per second

I am not sure what's going on, but it is the opposite of acceleration.

Re: New Octane = Slower Octane? (Poser 11 vs 12)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:09 am
by face_off
Thanks for the additional info. If it is an RTX issue - I suggest opening a ticket with OTOY via the "Support" button at the top of these page - or post your results in the general Octane forum.


Re: New Octane = Slower Octane? (Poser 11 vs 12)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 5:44 am
by Petec
face_off wrote:Thanks for the additional info. If it is an RTX issue - I suggest opening a ticket with OTOY via the "Support" button at the top of these page - or post your results in the general Octane forum.


Thank you Paul I will give that a shot.