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Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:38 pm
by MFindt

do any of you have a solution for Diffuse Overlay Materials?

I don't get the material displayed when I render via the plugin.

In the viewport of Daz3d the material is also not displayed, only if I render via Iray. Which is not what I want!

Thanks and greetings,

Re: Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 8:50 pm
by sudisk

Are you talking about decal nodes ? They only work with Iray. They do not appear in Octane either. I'm having a similar problem and I partially solved it, but I had some issues with it.

I wanted to add a wound to a skin texture. so I took the nodes from the imported decal and added them in the skin shader, with a mix material and a 2D transform node for the maps to place and resize it. Finally I added a Mix Material node with the transparency map as the weight to mix it with the skin. While this looks good on a sphere, the wound doesn't show on the G8 character.

Here is the node setup that I used. The top half is the auto-import of the skin. I'll work on that later. The bottom half is the wound and the transparency map used both for the wound and the mix.


Here is the result, on a sphere and on the actual character. As you can see the wound is visible on the sphere but not on the G8M.


I have no idea how to solve this, and I really hope it's an error on my side because seeing how updates are currently pushed for the DAZ plugin, we're not there yet.

Re: Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:24 pm
by huakiami
Hi sudisk,

The gun shot wound is not showing up on your character because the Genesis figures use UDIM for their UV layout. When border mode for the texture is set to Wrap Around this doesn't really matter, but I believe you have it set to Black Color for the gun shot wound mask since you scaled it and don't want it repeating. This is fine, but you need to translate it to the right, since the torso UVs are outside of the 0 to 1 UV coordinate space.

Screenshot below shows the G8 UVs in Blender: 0 to 1 is Face, 1 to 2 is Torso, 2 to 3 is Legs, 3 to 4 is arms and even further right are the eyes and such. So to get your gun shot wound to show up on the torso add 1.0 to whatever the 'Translation X' value of your 2D Transform node is (i.e. if it's currently 0.35 make it 1.35). Then you should see it on the character's chest.


Re: Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:38 pm
by sudisk
Thank you very much @huakiami. I did miss that part about how G8 UVs work. I will keep the UV picture that you posted as a reference.

Do you know wether they added the head UV at the end for Genesis 8.1 ?

Re: Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:15 pm
by huakiami
Good question - I hadn't looked at the Genesis 8.1 UDIM layout yet. Looks like the new Head UVs were inserted second, after the Face UVs. So everything but the Face UVs are shifted 1 to the right compared to Genesis 8 base.

From left to right it is Face, Head, Body, Legs, Arms, Mouth/Teeth and Eyes.

Genesis 8.1 Female UVs

Re: Diffuse Overlay Makeup - Problem

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:24 pm
by sudisk
Of course they had to break compatibility. Well, It's DAZ. We just have to deal with it.