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octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:01 am
by jwfvr
I've noticed that material presets created by using the "save as preset" always hop out - or never go into the group I drop them on. presets I make through the typical modo approach don't do this. is this just me?

Re: octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 11:39 pm
by face_off
Hi. Yes, there are some issues around loading presets. Could you provide some screenshots so I can see exactly the issue you are experiencing?



Re: octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:35 am
by jwfvr
attached is a video - not sure if this is ok to upload - basically if its a preset made with the octane button it has this problem, if I make the preset with the "modo" workflow it does not.

Re: octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:08 am
by face_off
This is how loading a preset has worked since the function was introduced. It would be great if it loaded into the Material Mask, but it doesn't. The preset .lxp file is encoded, so it makes it pretty hard to determine why this happens. I have raised some issues with Foundry over the saving of presets (including the icon not being set), and they have resolved some issues, which will be released in a "future release" of Modo, but it is not clear if this specific issue is fixed. In the meantime, I recommend not using the 'Save Preset' button to save presets.



Re: octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:32 am
by face_off
Out of curiosity - what steps are you using to save the preset in the Modo workflow where it drags and loads into a Material Mask please?


Re: octane preset hop out

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:09 am
by jwfvr
I have been following Funk's advice and using modo 15.1 to save presets - if I create a material, add textures, add octane override, then put all of that into another group (that is important) and save it as a preset, it works perfectly. the textures load and it lands directly into the material I place drop it on, the schematic pops right up. obviously this is a lot of extra work - I like the octane create preset - way faster and gives the automatic preset icon - if it would stay where I drop it and could load the textures into the shader tree, it would be perfect. Modo 16 has a totally different set of options when saving presets and the are all confusing and don't work as they should (imo) I know these issues have been raised in the past.