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Release in account downloads shows old Mac version - why?

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2023 4:22 pm
by pegot
Why does it show Octane Blender PR13 as the latest release in the downloads section of our account when the most recent stable release of Octane Blender, as shown in the forum release page, is 2022.1.1 - 27.15 [STABLE] ?

I am having major issues with many of my plugins not working with the latest stable release and developers of those programs are asking me where I am getting these versions from as all they see is Octane X PR13 from the downloads page.

See screen shots.

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 12.11.45 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 12.12.32 PM.png

Re: Release in account downloads shows old Mac version - why?

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2023 8:17 pm
by frankmci
In my experience, new versions always hit the Forums before they hit the official downloads page. Sometimes it's only hours, but often it's several days. I'm guessing that while the devs are actively engaged in the Forums, whoever does front end updates to the rest of the website only deals with that when informed it is required, since it is relatively static.

Since I'm the guy who keeps track of this kind of thing at my company, I keep an archive of installers for all our software on our NAS systems and point the team directly to that when there is an update. It saves me a lot of back and forth with everybody, and I can pre-bake things to make it easier for them, like making sure our OSL files are installed in the resources directory and all the other C4D versions are removed. They can just drag and drop.