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How to load UDIM texture?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:08 am
by kirk
I recall Octane can do it, at least I once managed to do it somehow . Still it's almost unsolvable puzzle. Could somebody help please.

Re: How to load UDIM texture?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:34 pm
by J.C
In Octane plugin for Blender there needs to be a special file naming:

Example with two rows and 4 columns:

00u-01v | 01u-01v | 02u-01v | 03u-01v
00u-00v | 01u-00v | 02u-00v | 03u-00v

Re: How to load UDIM texture?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:05 pm
by linograndiotoy
Please refer to this example I made to better understand how UDIMs work in Blender:


It will become easier as soon as we'll implement the possibility to use Octane Standalone node system directly in Blender.

Re: How to load UDIM texture?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:09 pm
by kirk
Thanks J.C and linograndiotoy. So basically Octane is not working with typical UDIM and needs it's own naming convention?

No way it would read regular UDIM named files? like 1001,1002,1003 etc? Can standalone read them with some combination of % - etc? Renaming lots of files would be pretty tiresome

Does anyone know a conversion script or something?

Re: How to load UDIM texture?

PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2021 7:46 pm
by Midphase
I got it to work, and I'm posting the solution here for future users.

Basically there are several steps that need to be taken in order to get UDIMs to properly work in Octane for Blender:

1. Use the TextureTile node and not just the plain Texture node.

2. Replace the last 4 digits in the UDIM file name to "1%i". So for instance, let's say your file name is the following: SPACESHIP_BASECOLOR_1001.exr in order for Octane to recognize it you have to change it to SPACESHIP_BASECOLOR_1%i.exr (at least this is what is working for me)

3. Now you need to change the number or rows in the node Grid Size (X) and (Y) to 10 and 10 (the second number should be higher if you have more than 100 UDIM tiles to match your UDIM set.

4. Now you need to change the Start value in the Node parameter to 1 because UDIMs start at 1001

5. Double check that your Digits is set to 3 because Octane disregards the first digit so it's only looking at 001, 002, 003 etc.

That should do it.

In the meantime, I will point to this video that ultimately was what got me to the solution.