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All Access plugs are out! I have an install question...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:50 am
by FrankPooleFloating
Guys, I have been working strictly in 2.8 as I try to master the dang thing.. And I have everything set up the way I like it, with lots of custom shortcuts and various addons (Machin3 Tools etc)... If I install my brand-spankin' new All Access Enterprise Blender_Octane_Edition_2018.1-RC1_17.1_beta, will this screw my 2.8 prefs? I'd really not enjoy that.

In other words, are any of you running both Octane Blender (2.79b) and Blender 2.8 daily builds, without problems?.. Anything I need to know if I want to have both installed concurrently and keep prefs separate?

I'm sure it will be a good while before we have Blender Octane 2.8, but I'm very eager to at least play around with Octane in Blender. But if this is going to wreak havoc on my 2.8 installation, I may just wait...

Please advise.

Re: All Access plugs are out! I have an install question...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 6:47 am
by grimm
I'm on Linux so it's going to be a bit different. I can run both with out any issues. The Blender plugin comes with a custom version of Blender and 17.1 is currently only on version 2.79b. The 2.80 version hasn't been released yet and I wouldn't expect it for a couple of months yet. On Linux installed versions of Blender only share the preferences for the same version. So 2.79 will share with other versions of 2.79, 2.80 is separate and will not interfere with 2.79 and vise-versa.

On Linux the plugin installs Blender in /usr/local, I keep other versions of Blender in my home directory (official 2.79b and 2.80). I don't know the best way to install them on Windows or OSX.

Re: All Access plugs are out! I have an install question...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 10:14 am
by J.C
Every Blender version has it's own directory with plugins and preferences. You don't have to worry if you are using 2.8 and want to install older Blender 2.79.

Re: All Access plugs are out! I have an install question...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:10 pm
by FrankPooleFloating
Great! Thanks guys!