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Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:57 am
by archigrafix
I exported with the plugin... in Fact render frame: sun, resolution, export camera were checked. Cmd works model is exported and opened in Octane but nothing shows It is all black. I tested Octane directly with a small obj and everything is OK...
Maybe its the obj size (about 4Mo)? Daylight is setup ok so dont know what happens.

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:57 am
by abstrax
archigrafix wrote:I exported with the plugin... in Fact render frame: sun, resolution, export camera were checked. Cmd works model is exported and opened in Octane but nothing shows It is all black. I tested Octane directly with a small obj and everything is OK...
Maybe its the obj size (about 4Mo)? Daylight is setup ok so dont know what happens.

Which version of Octane are you using and which graphics card?


Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:01 am
by TIG
Not enough info for a definitive answer [yet]...

The Octane version and Graphics Card would help...
What version of SUp/OS are you using?
Can you post a screen shot of the export dialog so we can see all of the settings you are using.
You don't have the camera inside/behind something like a sheet of glass that is obscuring the view in the OCS until you set up the materials' transparencies etc [you should be aware that Octane ignores the alpha of MTLs on import and you have to manually set them up in the OCS [but just once per material]], and of course such transparent materials will let you see through them in the original SKP...
Objects in the SKP that are hidden or on hidden layers should never export - so that should not be an issue...
Can you also post a screen shot of the scene in the SKP to give us a better idea of the set up.
You do have the units in the OCS import options left at 'meters' don't you ?
If you move the camera in the 'blacked-out' OCS can you ever get to see anything ? i.e. can you move past the 'obstruction'...
The quoted 4Mb OBJ is not exceptional and it should not mess up [unless perhaps you have hundreds of individually UV mapped textures - then that's an OCS issue and you'd have warning dialogs etc etc]...
Have you tried running the SUp SKP's Model-Info > Statistics > Fix-Problems... in case there's a SKP data-base glitch [very unlikely, but possible].
If you run it with the SKP's Window > Ruby Console open do you get any error messages on exporting ?

I'm sure that with enough info, together we can solve this...

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:26 pm
by archigrafix
...Strange it now works. It seems that just after exportation model appears and then it's as if the light shut down...I then just tweak the cursor pf light environnement and light came back to its right level...
i am not sure being able to reproduce this with another model
This PC is winXP32 a quadro FX580 (512Mo RAM) Octane 1.246b (last one)
I dont get that problem at all with my second PC: win7 GTX470

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:32 pm
by TIG
Perhaps it's a Graphics-card driver glitch ?
Do you have the latest drivers for your card ??

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:59 am
by archigrafix
yes and cant reproduce the
Hum I am having another question: I think it's not specific about the sketchup plugin:
I am working on a scene composed of many instances. Total poly number is certainly more than one million but organised with instances and layers I still can deal with in Sketchup...but when comes rendering time!! Tried to export in octane but Obj reaches a huge size and SU2octane freeze. the only way to export in obj is to separate the scene in several obj files...but then I cant join them in Octane! Is there a way to work with such files in Octane. I suppose it's not a recent limit in the process? When are you planning to go through a file format that can solve the problem, or several obj in one ocs file?
However I see some user playing with evermotion scenes that get high poly number..?
Is it possible (in a bnear future) to imagine an instancing system in Octane? I suppose it's next revolution for Octane isnt it? ;)

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:09 pm
by TIG
I'm sure the back-room-boys who are beavering away developing Octane have a few good ideas up their sleeves to improve it ;)
There is limit to how much can get made into an OBJ without it getting massive, and 'instancing' might help.
A SKP with millions of polygons IS enormous!
Currently you must manage you SKP contents to export just what's needed for the make the render.
Use layers to hide unwanted things.
Be frugal with your modeling and don't include internal facets in assembled objects that will never be seen.
Also simplify objects that are to be far away [e.g. check out my MatrixProximity tool at SCF].
Hidden objects, or those on hidden layers, aren't exported - but they have to be 'inspected' to check their visibility state, so the process will be slower on large models even with a lot of things 'hidden'.
If you are rendering the outside of a house you don't need to export the bathroom fittings.
If you are rendering the bathroom you don't need to export the roof or the garden modeled etc etc
If you want blades of grass use a few near the camera and model the middle/far distance grass as a texture with a bump-map as you'll never appreciate it otherwise anyway.
Don't use distant trees that have leaves and twigs that'll never be rendered or seen
But I'm sure you know much of this...

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:44 pm
by archigrafix
I much appreciate your answer TIG :)
I am quite aware of "light" modelling and polycount dont worry about that...I've began Computer drawing on computer you wont even dare to carry on your pocket today ;) ;) ;)
But the project I work today really needs all those faces to be seen (I have to illustrate a "pipe" field: more than 100000 pipes (thanks to SU components!) with their colored caps, the detailed manufacture (outside only of course!). ++some funny details (midpoly) like cars, trucks, forklifts etc...
I really optimized at max the poly definition depending on the camera distance... doing more on the subject is still possible but would be long and a great pain. Final illustration will be 4meters long so client want details :shock:
To say the truth for now my only success rendering this scene is with Thearender (even though rendering times are huge..!)
Pity is I think Octane itself could deal with it. Problem is mostly about mesh import/export.
Thanx again

Re: Nothing shows after export...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:18 pm
by TIG
If you are making SUp pipes remember not to use too many segments - 8 or 12 will do and only model the pipes' insides if it's really necessary...
If they aren't seen why bother, and an 8 segment smoothed pipe will look round in most renders - especially it there are thousands of them ;)