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Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Versions b to g [superseded]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:15 pm
by TIG
This is the first beta version of the new tool [b] that I have been writing for you.
Download the '' file and extract all of its files in the same relationship [i.e. with some files in an 'Octane' sub-folder etc], and move/copy to the ../Plugins/ folder.
Please read the 'Octane1022b.pdf' file that is included in the zip, which explains how to install and use the tool, and also the current 'Known Issues'...
Please use on a test SKP / project that you can afford to mess up and remember that it is the first beta 'public' version !

Feedback please...

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:00 am
by SurfingAlien
Thanks a lot TIG!
I will test it in the next days and let you know...


Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:49 am
by iacx
Thanks TIG! :)

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:52 am
by ameier
Thx a lot.....

Feedback would be sent soon as i can. The next 2 days we make an internal workshop. We try to use your plugin ;)



Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:23 pm
by archigrafix
thanx will test actively when my new PC with GTX470 will be here!

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:44 pm
by TIG
Please find attached the next version - beta.c - it is greatly improved and most bugs are now sorted. :geek:
The only major item I can see is that animation 'steps' are not yet implemented - whatever you select it only uses '1' as the step...
Also the Mac side needs some work and testing...
(425.12 KiB) Downloaded 399 times

Extract as before - there is now an OctaneHelp.pdf - please read - the earlier .pdf can be discarded...

Feedback please...

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:53 pm
by ameier
hi tig,

i made several test today.... pls take a look into the rar archive. I just wonder that the original sketchup obj export and the octane exporter fails with my testfiles. only the su2objmtl plugin could handle the files right. i just create an archive with all stuff in...... i hope this could help to debug :)

thx for early beta !

if you need more details for debugging, pls let me know !

hereĀ“s the link: (17,2 MB)

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:28 pm
by TIG

Thanks for the feedback.

The Pro built-in OBJ-Exporter does have an advantage in that it automatically corrects 'skewed' textures by making unique-materials from them - unfortunately this 'method' is not directly available in the current API. However, the disadvantage of the the Pro built-in OBJ-Exporter is that it isn't accessible within the API [unlike the Collada-Exporter] so you can't automatically force it to take the defaults needed for Octane - and of course it's not not available to 'Free' users at all.

As a result it was decided to make a customized Octane OBJ-Exporter that would be usable by Pro and Free users. So you [currently] have to manually select any faces with 'skewed' textures and use the context-menu to 'make-unique-texture' before running the Octane OBJ-Exporter tool.

The Octane OBJ-Exporter uses code very similar to 'su2objmtl' so I can't see where its output should vary at all from that - but both of their outputs will vary from the built-in Pro OBJ-Exporter IF there are 'skewed' textures.

If you edit the .OBJ files made by 'su2objmtl' and the Octane OBJ-Exporter you will see that the contents are effectively the same code for v/vn/vt/f etc.

Can you explain where you see the differences ? :?

However, before that please try the beta.d version that is now available... :geek:

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:37 pm
by TIG
Here is a new version to test - beta.d.

Most of the earlier bugs are now 'fixed', e.g. the animation frames 'Step' option is now fully implemented.

Tip: to stop the looping through an animation-set early you can close the temporary 'cmd' window [PC] that opens and becomes accessible from the Windows Toolbar - then the images stop at the most recent one, and also the Octane dialog's disabled animation 'button' should become re-enabled, and its text change back to 'Render Animation' as it would if you'd let the whole loop run.

More Mac testing is still needed.

More feedback please...
(423.85 KiB) Downloaded 403 times

Install as before and read the latest OctaneHelp.pdf in the ../Plugins/Octane/ folder.

Re: Octane Sketchup Exporter Beta Version

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:42 pm
by SurfingAlien
I made a quick test on my MacBookPro... if I choose "render frame" after the export process I get a message: "Mac version still in beta testing". Does it mean that you need some more time for private tests or is it just a warning about the beta dev stage? I'm asking this before starting reporting bugs or problems...

A question: is the "render frame" button supposed to automatically run Octane and render the exported model when all the files have been saved? It doesn't seem to work ATM.
OBJ and MTL are saved to the project path (along with temp debug files) but if I (manually) load the mesh into Octane there's only a default material... I checked the MTL and actually there's only the def mat info (and the Texture folder is empty).
Attached the (very simple) scene I used in this first test.

I'm using SketchUp 7 (7.1.6859)
