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Layered EXR passes issue past V4.02.1-R3

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:00 am
by stuz0r
Hey aoktar!

First, thank you for the incredible amount of work you are constantly doing to make our lives so much easier! We all owe you a great deal.

I have a question regarding EXR (possibly other file types) and the layered passes. In version V4.02.1-R3 I could set the render samples to some high amount (16000 for example) and just let the render go until it looked good. I would usually stop it when it started looking good and would get all my layer passes in the EXR file. However, after version V4.02.1-R3 this stopped working. Now if I stop a render before it completely finishes the EXR file itself and none of the passes are saved. Is this something that would be able to be fixed?

Thanks man!