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Phoenix FD Fire color channel

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:53 pm
by neonZorglub
Support for Phoenix fire grid RGB channel
(from version v2023.1.2 - 14.09 and v2024.1 Alpha 3 - 15.03)

The OctaneVolume modifier has been updated to support all the channels available in Pheonix Fire simulator object.

There are 2 types of channels : simple value (a single float per cell), and vector / color (3 floats per cell)

The vector/color channels are only usable when the Medium is a 'Std Volume medium'
(For other medium maps, only the first float of the channel will be used, like the red component of the RGB channel)

In addition to the 3 normal channels used by Octane Volume objects (Absorption, Emission, Scatter), there are 5 'Extra channels' that can be selected to be incorporated to the Octane grid.
With the Std Volume medium, any of those channels can be chosen for the medium effects (Density, Scatter, Transparency, Emission, Temperature)

The most useful newly supported channel is the RGB channel.

It can be typically selected in the Std Volume medium map as the Scatter color channel, or the Emission channel.

The colors of the grid are generated by Phoenix using the different PHXSource objects used by the simulator.
Those need to have the 'RGB' output checkbox enabled.

Other channels are available (Velocity, TexUVW, Wavelet energy and UVW, Advection, ..) and could be used for special effect or information..

Here are some samples:
(223.99 KiB) Downloaded 25 times

(On the first load, select the PhoenixFDFire001 object, go to the Simulation panel of the Object, and press the 'Start' button)

The RGB output must be enabled, with the desired color BEFORE starting the simulation:

RGB in Scatter channel of Std Volume medium:

as shown in PhoenixFire1_RGB_Scatter.max

RGB in Emission channel of Std Volume medium:

as shown in PhoenixFire2_RGB_Emission.max