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Black Previews and Render in 3DS Max

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:53 pm
by Poliigon
Hi there,

Apologies if this is covered in another thread, I did do a search for 'black screen' but it's such a generic term it brought up a lot of replies, none of which seemed to apply.
Anyway, I loaded up max today without making any changes to the plugin version or updating anything else that I'm aware of and Octane is producing nothing but black renders.

Also, within the material slate editor, all the little previews in the nodes are black too where before they would show maps and previews.

I've tried re-installing the plugin, with no success. Any ideas on resolving this would be GREATLY appreciated.


EDIT: I just tested Octane in Maya and Cinema 4D and was also unable to render, getting the same blank result. This is making me think it's either licence or driver related. I am currently running Nvidia driver 419.35 if that helps with the diagnosis :D Licences are all in order.

Re: Black Previews and Render in 3DS Max

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:35 pm
by paride4331
Hi Poligon,
could you share your scene (in pm if you want) please?