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Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolutions

PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:39 pm
by radiance
jmlepretre wrote:Hi all,

I read all of those posts and i am wondering if the things have changed since the last post
concerning Freezes, blue screens on large renderings with pathTracing on XP32 ...?


There is no setting for it on XP,
the installer does it automatically on vista and win 7.

I advise you upgrade to a x64 win7 operating system,
you'll have many advantages and be able to load much more complex scenes...


Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolutions

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:11 pm
by r4ytrace
how do you disable 'filter' in pathtracing - I can only see an option to drag the slider down and set it to 1?

thanks for any help

Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolutions

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:41 am
by r4ytrace
I did the TdrLevel=0 thing in regedit and it has made a BIG difference - I spent most of today wrestling with pressing the pause button, getting everything ready then switching to pathtrace and then upping res to 1920x1200 - EVERY time, it would hang and then close :( - however since I put that registry DWORD in it has been fine and in fact it also seems to be less stuttery when using the interface while stuff is rendering at hi res in pathtrace too - I would definitely recommend trying this if your having problems - I have a GTX260 on WinXP Pro 32 and it has made a huge difference

Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolut

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:29 pm
by archigrafix
I get the same problem with runtime... Model is big but memory is not saturated. I checkecd the trdlevel = 0. In Octane in "oreference" I get a runtime=no limit. I dont really understand what it is all about. I have read this topic but I dont really understand how to use your advice. As said trdlevel is already = 0 so What am I supposed to do to avoid this runtile limit problem?

Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolut

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:52 pm
by FooZe
Hi archigrafix,

This is a rather old topic and i'm not sure these problems are as present anymore.
Can you please provide some more information?
1) What exactly is happening for you?
2) What OS are you running (win/mac/linux/32bit/64bit)?
3) What graphic card?
4) What version of NVidia drivers do you have?
5) What version of Octane do you have?


Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolut

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:22 am
by archigrafix

I am on win7 32, GTX470, OctaneRender_TEST_1030_beta300_win32 (with instances), Cuda 4.0.
As said I work on large model but card memory is just half used. I get "runtime error" very often now. It mostly happens when I try to import a new node (large obj file). Importation seems to work fine but at parsing it gives this error

Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolut

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:48 pm
by FooZe
Hi archigrafix,

You may be reaching the maximum amount of system memory available to a process on a 32bit OS.
Check the task manager during the obj parsing and voxelization. The memory usage for octane.exe should be listed.
As an example when I load a 3mil poly (6mil tris) obj file on the 64bit version the memory usage will peak to about 5GB during parsing and voxelization.
This same file causes the 32bit version to crash due to process memory limits. As far as i know the limit for a 32bit process on a 32bit OS is 2GB (although in some setups i believe 3GB is also possible) so keep an eye on the memory usage, if it is reaching high numbers and then octane crashes like this:


Then i am pretty sure this is your problem. The only solution is to upgrade to a 64bit OS or limit the poly size of the mesh.
(Just out of interest once loaded in the 64bit version my 6mil tris scene only uses about 900MB of VRAM. So in your case, your scene may be easily able to fit into your VRAM but the system memory required during parsing and voxelization is actually the problem).

Let me know how it goes...


Re: Regarding octane closing with pathtracing & high resolut

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:44 am
by archigrafix
Thanx fooze

I am aware of those memory problèms but thought octane was not concerned!
I thought octane worked all on Gpu memory! It Really is a bad news!
Thought I bought m'y last system with 32bits...