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Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:51 am
by SiliconAya
It's taken me about a week on and off to work this one out.

If you load a saved Daz Studio scene and there are any textures that have an & in their file path, the textures will fail to be loaded by the plugin, just leaving the texture input in the image node blank.

At any other time everything works fine, so it's not that the plugin can't handle & in file paths at all, it's just on either scene load or scene save, I can't tell which.

Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:17 am
by BK
Hi SilconAya,

Thanks for the post.
Would you please confirm if Load octaneRender materials from .duf user presets is enabled from preferences tab when you load the saved Daz Studio scene?

We recommend using the Path settings whenever working on a project like other 3d applications.


Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:20 am
by SiliconAya
Yes it's ticked.

Other textures files load fine in the scene.

The character Gu Yu from a Daz PA on the Daz Store has it's diffuse and SSS textures in a sub-folder called "Base&SSS" any textures in the folder fail to load from a saved Daz Studio scene file, the other texture for the character (roughness, reflection, normal, etc) are in different sub-folders and load fine. Daz Studio and IRay also load the textures just fine, it's just the Octane Plugin the either doesn't save them or load them correctly.

I'm sure there are other products or there will be future products from the Daz store that'll have & in their paths. In fact I think I've had this problem in the past, but never worked out what the cause was.

Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:41 pm
by BK
SiliconAya wrote:Yes it's ticked.

Other textures files load fine in the scene.

The character Gu Yu from a Daz PA on the Daz Store has it's diffuse and SSS textures in a sub-folder called "Base&SSS" any textures in the folder fail to load from a saved Daz Studio scene file, the other texture for the character (roughness, reflection, normal, etc) are in different sub-folders and load fine. Daz Studio and IRay also load the textures just fine, it's just the Octane Plugin the either doesn't save them or load them correctly.

I'm sure there are other products or there will be future products from the Daz store that'll have & in their paths. In fact I think I've had this problem in the past, but never worked out what the cause was.

Hi SiliconAya,

Thank you so much for the confirmation.
It sounds like the folder naming issue since it has a special character in between.

Would you please pack the Gu Yu character and PM us to investigate?


Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:01 am
by Hun73rdk_1
I can confirm names like this GLTC_B&O.JPG or 0901-socks-02.jpg will not load into octane without using "replace all active maps"

Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:31 am
by BK
Hun73rdk_1 wrote:I can confirm names like this GLTC_B&O.JPG or 0901-socks-02.jpg will not load into octane without using "replace all active maps"

Hi Hun73rdk_1,

thanks for the post.
yeah, we are able to replicate this issue.

Hope we can debug asap!


Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:06 pm
by huakiami

I'm sure you are aware of this by now but this issue is the same as the one posted in the "COMMON ISSUES" section release stickies:

8) If you get a "Bogus Scene Path" error - this is due to having an apostrophe in the filepath of a texturemap (so store your textures in foldernames which do not have apostrophes).

It seems the plugin has difficulty loading textures from file paths containing certain characters, despite them being valid Windows path names. Not sure if it's a problem of improper escaping in the XML or something else, but just want to stress it would be great to get this bug solved entirely and not just fix it specifically for the "&" symbol.


Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:21 am
by BK
huakiami wrote:FYI BK -

I'm sure you are aware of this by now but this issue is the same as the one posted in the "COMMON ISSUES" section release stickies:

8) If you get a "Bogus Scene Path" error - this is due to having an apostrophe in the filepath of a texturemap (so store your textures in foldernames which do not have apostrophes).

It seems the plugin has difficulty loading textures from file paths containing certain characters, despite them being valid Windows path names. Not sure if it's a problem of improper escaping in the XML or something else, but just want to stress it would be great to get this bug solved entirely and not just fix it specifically for the "&" symbol.


Hi Huakiami,

Thank you so much for this info!


Re: Textures fail to load from saved file if & in path.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 12:11 am
by toby_a
This issue should be fixed in version 2021.1.5_70: viewtopic.php?f=44&t=80166