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Octane makes LW vanish if you replace objects then render.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:39 pm
by pixelsmack
I am consistently having Layout vanish if I have recently replaced objects in the scene. I do this with IPR closed. I replace the items, then F9. Octane gets to the LOADING phase, about to RENDER and then Layout quietly vanishes. It's so common, I am now in the habit of saving scene, quitting LW, and relaunching after replacing items.

Is there anything that can be done? This behavior started about a month ago. As always I keep my Windows 10 up to date along with NVIDIA drivers. A quick check of the log doesn't really reveal anything. I have included some of the last lines below.

00:00:01 (0001.97) | Processing object: 10000031, name: TLG_knuckle_lower[0_01,0_01,0_01]
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 8798 of 8798 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Processing the number of valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Processing the number of valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 5800 of 5800 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 376 of 376 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | Searching if FiberFX is available in this object
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Processing the number of valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 1392 of 1392 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 29906 of 29906 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 5365 of 5365 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 31714 of 31714 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 10782 of 10782 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> This object has 18564 of 18564 valid polygons
00:00:01 (0001.97) | >>> Refresh preview window

Re: Octane makes LW vanish if you replace objects then render.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:48 pm
by juanjgon
It is weird that this happens with the IPR window closed. Do you have this issue in all your scenes? If you can share one, I could try to reproduce the problem here.
