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light baking

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 12:45 pm
by theghalwash_forum
is there any plan for supporting baking lightmaps with octane in ue4 ?

Re: light baking

PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:33 pm
by ChrisHekman
Some work has been done on it, but because of the inbuilt GPULightmass release in 4.26, we decided to hold off and see how GPULightmass is going to perform.
We might add other types of lightbaking in the future though.

Re: light baking

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:17 am
by theghalwash_forum
ChrisHekman wrote:Some work has been done on it, but because of the inbuilt GPULightmass release in 4.26, we decided to hold off and see how GPULightmass is going to perform.
We might add other types of lightbaking in the future though.

hey chris. i am already testing the new gpulightmass and it has 2 major limitations :

1- it is dxr based
2- uses raytracing not unbaised pathtracing like octane
so through my experience octane's lighting calculations is so much better. let me hear from you.