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Setting PBR Instance Properties from scripts

PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:00 pm
by jalley
Hi all,

We are wondering whether it is possible to modify PBR Instance Properties attributes such as "RenderLayerID" and/or "BakingGroupID" from Unity external scripts.
It is possible from the UI interface but what if you want to assign many (hundreds of meshes) to another layer ID, it would require huge manual effort making it a daunting task (selecting multiple objects and modifying these attributes does not work).

It looks an extremely useful feature to organize render layers/passes for a moderatly sized scene without manual intervention, but simply automatizing it from scripts.
Otherwise a multiple-selection one single assignment could also work.

Any clue on how to approach this problem?

- jalley

PD. Another interesting case would be to create a custom info/shader pass, but I don't think this is yet supported, Am I right?.

Re: Setting PBR Instance Properties from scripts

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 9:10 am
by ChrisHekman
There is currently no supported way to do this.
We are looking into providing a API and exposing these variables.

Ill take a look why it is not possible to edit multple components at once.

Re: Setting PBR Instance Properties from scripts

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:20 am
by MikeGardiner
Yep this is something we need badly - either exposing the component through script or at least fixing the issue with editing multiple items. I'll add my vote to this, to hopefully get fixed soon!

Re: Setting PBR Instance Properties from scripts

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:08 pm
by SamuelAB
Thanks Chris,

Looking forward to a resolution on this :)

Baking my lighting in Octane ofr Unity will be a major game changer. Hopefully there are solutions, API access and tutorials coming soon.

Re: Setting PBR Instance Properties from scripts

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:32 pm
by ChrisHekman
SamuelAB wrote:Thanks Chris,

Looking forward to a resolution on this :)

Baking my lighting in Octane ofr Unity will be a major game changer. Hopefully there are solutions, API access and tutorials coming soon.

It has been put in the planning.