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LocalDB : Materials/nodes imported form LocalDB lose names.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 3:08 am
by itsallgoode9
When I import materials from LocalDB, none of the node names are intact. Not even the top material itself has kept its name. If it was intended to work this way (which I do see reasoning for), can we have an option to keep node naming intact?

Working in Maya 2019.2 and Octane plugin OctaneRender for Maya 2019.1.4-15.13 [STABLE]

Re: LocalDB : Materials/nodes imported form LocalDB lose names.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:01 pm
by JimStar
That feature has already been implemented some time ago, I'm just still testing it... Will be available in newer releases.
Just be aware, that if you already have same name for other DG nodes in Maya, then it will conflict with the nodes being imported. So you will anyway not get exactly the same name - it will be auto-incremented by Maya. Plus - Maya doesn't allow spaces in names (which Octane allows), so they will always be replaced by underscores.

Re: LocalDB : Materials/nodes imported form LocalDB lose names.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:12 pm
by itsallgoode9
gotcha. Yeah that's expected for the names to change slightly, if there's already that name existing. Before it would just completely lose the name--I'd have a texture node named "Diffuse" and when I brought in my material it would switch to "octaneImageTexture4" instead of "Diffuse" or "Diffuse1" etc. Great to hear this will be fixed soon.