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The octane light does not emit light in animation [SOLVED]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:02 am
by milo_ckw
I have been using Octane for maya ver 2.24.2
My hadware is i7-5820k CPU, 64.0GB ram, TITAN X 4 way.
I made a simple 3d scene with an elevator.
And The octane lights(plane type) were placed inside the elevator. The elevator has set as the parent of octane light.
I set the scene in Movable proxies. and Octane Light was set to Movable proxy.
When the render is started, only the first frame lights on and the rest of the frame is turned off.
please help ....

Re: The octane light does not emit light in animation

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:05 am
by calus
Hi Milo,

Yes there's many problem with plugin lights geometry type.
As a workaround you should just use a simple face with an emiting material to replace your light.

If you want it to be exactly the same as your original light:
just export the original light as a non-animated orbx to Standalone to look at how it's converted to mesh+material.
In standalone use File>unpack package, it will create an obj file that you can reimport in Maya to use as the shape for your mesh-light.
In standalone save the material to your localDB and in Maya apply it to the imported OBJ shape.

It seems these issues with Octane lights are solved in the V3 plugin.